play these games you dumb bitch (me, to myself)

i made this before i found out about the wishlist function now im in too deep

yeah i can see why this was a big deal, pretty neat
i thought this was gonna be a singularly focused game about Moving Right and having dramatic sword fights, instead it was like, a puzzle platformer or something like Inside or Limbo? idk i checked out immediately after that, not the vibe i was looking for at the time
played a bit, decided to try it out for the story, but it ultimately couldn't hold me with how mediocre the actual shooting felt, think i dropped off after the england mission(?)
gave it a revisit a year or two ago, hadn't played it since high school. didn't especially hold up for me, no game should have to bear the burden of "being made on a bethesda engine"
sometimes a game gives me a migraine to look at it for some reason, idk, something about the color palette or art direction just physically makes it bad for my eyes for some reason thats completely unrelated to its actual quality

rain world is unfortunately one of those games? seemed neat tho


2 years ago

hey you should play these games you dumb bitch

2 years ago

unfortunately that idea's currently on indefinite hiatus, please refer to my other list for details:

1 month ago

You made this list many years ago. So I am obliged to ask: have you played any of these games?

1 month ago

thats a fair question lol. i just went down this list and did a tally. i played 20 of them, and out of those 20, i finished like, 11

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