play these games you dumb bitch (me, to myself)

i made this before i found out about the wishlist function now im in too deep

knew i was in for something special when i looked Up for the first time, incredible expansion
finished! very good! Arrgh! Avast!! and so on and so forth (incredible detective game hampered down a lil bit from its pulpy orientalist mysticism veneer imo)
you should play this game just for jc denton's vocal performance alone. the rest of the game is also pretty good! (i got halfway through the game like 8+ years ago, one day i'll get back to it)
this expansion is immediately so much better, its unreal, what the hell?? this rules
the little bit i played of this is pretty fucking great, unfortunately im not in the headspace to dedicate myself to a fighting game right now (i played kum haehyun and jack-o)
very sad little game with some great performances, yeah sure dude just fuck me right up
stepping on a rake simulator 1k66, just a fantastic time. accurately recreates the utterly rancid vibes of being born to medieval nobility
yeah this is pretty alright. idk seems like a lot of work wading through a bunch of bullshit to get to the point where the narrative is just consistently Fine

but then ya hit that last 20% of the expansion and its like oh whoaa, payoff and pathos and it finally crosses that finish line to becoming actually really good
stressful resource management, very good
i have trouble forcing my brain past the mental hurdle of "no, do it all perfectly the first time!" to fully appreciate the hitman series as a thing i can play unfortunately, but one day...
quite frankly the perfect video game, just pure joy
having a good time with this so far, good podcast game, been listening to Friends at the Table's Marielda season during it, though i got to the part in both the game and the show where i had to start paying actual attention to both and i'm a bit sad to say that i can't really do both at the same time anymore, alas
"we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine – and the machine is bleeding to death"-looking ass game, great tone piece, nightmare vibes
damn these bitches gay!! good for them, good for them
i am a singular ant walking across a vast corpse

i have been beaten numb by the sheer length of the whole thing, but yeah its good, i'm gonna go watch all of nichijou to recover and then not touch a video game for like 4 months
i fucking hate this game
"so stop playing it?"
i'd make mince meat out of that [beat] mouse if i wasnt so bad at puzzles, love the visual style and presentation tho, very charming game
had a fun time with this for about 18 hours, which is when i finally succeeded in completing my first actual run, and then i never picked it back up again. and honestly i think i'm fine with that, but its a cute game for sure.
"we closed our eyes and wrote everything down, thats when we realized they werent just dreams"

the opening screen of hardland prompts an active participation on the players part in understanding its world and narrative, emphasizing that it has no quest markers or active quest logs to guide you in any way, asking you to pour over every interaction, journal note and item description, every little nook and cranny that could hold the key to understanding the greater whole at the heart of this surreal fantasy world. holding itself as some kind of heavy puzzle adventure, should you have the dedication, which like, hell yeah sign me up!

so, fully bought into that pitch and down to clown, i went in with a physical notebook in hand and excavated every weird dream and location in the opening hours of the game with a fine tooth comb. but honestly, despite the opening disclaimers, the game doesnt seem that intense on that sort of thing like, at all? maybe im too early in the game to like, appreciate the scope of it all or something, but it seems more the kind of game where you run around as a weird little guy with a sword and hit mobs of little monsters with it, idk i kinda bounced off it after that. i plan to go back eventually with adjusted expectations, but man, kinda a bummer, to me, personally, imo,,,

but anyways, check out Scott Benson's Top 10 Games of 2019 on Giant Bomb to read about the appropriate way to appreciate this weird little game in the way that it actually is
surprisingly really well executed? like dang, this game rules, if youre hankering for a good 3v3 fighting game this one aint a bad choice
pretty tight gunplay, real fun in quick bursts of pick-up matches, questionable visual aesthetic imo
i never played jrpgs outside of the mario rpgs when i was a kid, so i decided to play every final fantasy in release order because thats how my brain works (badly), and its very neat, like somebody digitized a cute little dnd campaign for me to play, spell charges and all.
though as funny as the strict dichotomy of me having to make a break for the woods to go grind for 2 hours everytime i reach a town so i don't fall behind in leveling is, it does make it a bit harder for me to go back to it after i finish each session since im not like, actually progressing through the actual game,
but once i figure out how to emulate it on my phone and i can play it in bed or something, should be smooth sailing, would be a chill time honestly (my friend tells me that i picked the exact one jrpg that this sort of grind is, which is just my luck, if true)

incredibly charming visuals too, wizards have literally never looked better than this

update: finally bothered to get this on a handheld and folks, it rips. sometimes its just nice to be a tiny band of wizards getting their asses kicked up and down the continent
mechanically this expansion fucking shines, writing-wise, this expansion is fuckinggggg terrible lol
played through this with a friend online via the master chief collection on steam and lol, this game sure does not like being played huh?

had weird crashes several times a session with no obvious fixes as we tried to drag this game kicking and screaming through a disjointed and fractured campaign who's scripting always seemed like it was on the verge of just falling apart completely? like whats up with those wait times between enemy waves, it always took -just- long enough for you to think something in the game broke before finally loading in more dudes for you to shoot.

luckily when there are dudes to shoot and cars to drive and stuff it feels like, yaknow, good, so whatever, no big deal that the whole thing kind of feels like its held together by duct tape.

arbiters cool tho
thats more like it, this game fucking rips


update: game's pretty alright, but the part of me that desires to push through difficult games for the hell of it has been excised out of me, so i kinda cheesed my way through the final boss and the secret ultra hard level for sickos, neat game
they let the Phantasy Star Online Guy make the awful nightmare video game equilvalent of those algorithmically-generated fever dream children's videos on youtube, and honestly? its kind of a vibe
yeah i can see why this was a big deal, pretty neat






i decided that i cant just play this, i have to take a sabbatical from the msq and go and do uh, literally all the other content of the game first and level up every job and experience every pre-endwalker thing i can before i can let myself play endwalker so i can

i dont fucking know, have the fullest experience or something? idk dude i really dont. fucking nightmare idea. anyway then elden ring came out and my life has not known peace since so ill get around to playing this in about a decade or so







the opening hours of every monster hunter game is always a huge chore that requires a lot of setting-up and prepwork to get your hunting experience as smooth as possible for the next 100+ hours, but jesus christ they don't even give you a weapon in this one, you have to buy it yourself from the blacksmith after saving up enough money from doing the shitty rank 1 quests! wild shit.

otherwise seems like a normal mh game idk, controls are a little funky but thats like, fine






i simply adore when i'm a demon made of glass and pain and yet i must skate, its my favorite thing to be



a text-based strategy sim centered around navigating the complex geopolitical manuverings of a country on the edge of an extremely precarious stability that is beset on all sides by its neighbors and the dominant world powers seeking to engage in ideological proxy wars.
all of which is best informed by a clear understanding of the historical events and relationships that brought said country to its current historical moment, as well as the various institutions that wield its power and how they work, all helpfully catalogued through a heavy in-game codex,

Unfortunately, i only ever boot this up when i'm half asleep at 5 in the fucking morning and can't be bothered to do the reading to actually play this game, which is just some tragic stuff on my part really


always been interested in trying out the touhou series, but never got around to it, until i found a convenient way to play them all, so like, why the hell not?

besides that ronald mcdonald song from that one youtube video from like 2006 was really good, maybe thats in this game too.


it was not, this game isn't even a bullet hell?? which was interesting to find out, a weird breakout style game, kinda fun, might go back to it in the future.

hella bad flashing lights tho when you use the special bomb item, so like, extreme epilepsy warning












2 years ago

hey you should play these games you dumb bitch

2 years ago

unfortunately that idea's currently on indefinite hiatus, please refer to my other list for details:

1 month ago

You made this list many years ago. So I am obliged to ask: have you played any of these games?

1 month ago

thats a fair question lol. i just went down this list and did a tally. i played 20 of them, and out of those 20, i finished like, 11

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