Every Gamecube Game I've Ever Played - RANKED

Nothing here!

I fell off Tony Hawk a bit after THPS 4, briefly tried both Underground games at friends' houses and they didn't do anything for me. But American Wasteland??? That hooked me from the start. It also has my absolute favorite soundtrack of any Tony Hawk game. What a great time!


Is the Wii version better in every way? Absolutely. But Pikmin still owns.
I love the overworld so much, but the dungeons are the weakest of any 3D Zelda.
Quite possibly my favorite 2D platformer. Jungle Beat will never get the love it deserves because no one out there owns a pair of DK Bongos anymore.
This is the closest to Zelda that a LotR game has ever come, and I love it!
8/10 solo, 10/10 with four GBAs
I can't understand why they screwed up the inventory system from Legends, but it's still such a great co-op experience.
Is Adventure Mode anyone else's favorite part of this game?
Seems really quaint after playing its sequels, but it's still got so much charm. And angry villagers!
It's like Metroid Prime, but really hard!
Hasn't aged particularly well, but it's still one of the most unique shooters of this console generation. Great story too!
Can't believe I got this new from a bargain bin for $20
Monkey Target? Monkey Target.
Caverns are neat, but feel more repetitive than the first game.
Killer campaign. Awful multiplayer.


Great game, obviously. But this really isn't my preferred way to play it.


Fingers crossed that the New Super Switch 2 has a mic in it so we can get Ōdama 2!!
Still a great game, I probably just played it waaaayyyyy too much.
I somehow convinced myself for YEARS that this had multiplayer on certain platforms but not on others.
Someday. Someday I will love this game!

I really want to like it!! BUT IT'S SO HARD TO LIKE
It's more Blitz! Blitz is great!
Now we start getting into the less-hype section of the list. The power moves in this game were cool for 20 minutes, then they were just annoying.
Guns felt worse than Frontline across the board. Co-op was great though!
Better than the first, but still VERY HARD
I used to prefer Budokai 2 because it had more characters and went through the Buu saga, but recently trying to revisit Budokai 2's insanely repetitive story mode has dropped it a lot lower. The straightforward story mode in this is much more palateable.
Arguably the most unfair Mario Party.

I tried! I promise!
The board game mechanic would have been killer if you only had to fight everyone once or twice!
It's good golf!
I know this is a cult classic, but I just couldn't get into it.
Did I play this to death at the time? Absolutely. But that's because I only had a Gamecube and couldn't play Guitar Hero.
Mario Party should above all things NOT be boring.
It doesn't feel like Blitz! Blitz is dead!
Man, I tried SO hard to get into Sonic.
The anti-Animal Crossing
I'm a little baby who is scared of tank controls.


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