The 'ALL OF 2023' Rapidfire

Nothing here!

It exists, lord knows I don't have any attachment to this incarnation of Pinocchio on a gameplay projection level
Bomberman but a platformer turns out pretty great as long as you don't have to engage with it like a bomberman game
Mid, arguably dogshit, but it has Pastel and the Moai
Mercs players :handshake emoji: Overwatch players

"Fuck Tanks"
Need more games like this
Why does everyone drop their pants for this MD port
Gradius is kinda like a bad sexual partner. Keeps pumping and pumping, and then once he blows his load, totally useless
Benny hill type beat
grappling hooks: the cornerstone of video games
idk it was cool
Beating this was a herculean trial and I don't know if I'd revisit it but the high certainly felt good at the time
The more time passes the less forgiveness I have towards quarter munchers
Peak kusoge
Mega > Super
roguelike (derogatory)
What is she exploring for? The "kitchen"? Lol! Biden 9/11 gas prices phones insurance moon pies
Where's the gameplay?
After so many countless accolades from PC-E-heads (including Kanye???), I was blown away that this was identical to every other Compile game but maybe a little worse.
I didn't like how this played especially, but it's Lords of Thunder, it's metal, that's all that matters y'know?
Stil somehow better than most MD fighting games
GOOD: It's Monkey Island with Scooby

BAD: It's Monkey Island with Scooby
Could probably be good if the bullets were even somewhat visible
Gorgeous mid is still mid unfortunately
Except these ones
PC-Engine shmups are dime a dozen but the ones with name-brand recognition really are something special, great game
Peak of the entire PC-E Hu-Card library

But seriously seriously stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
I have never seen such a good game drop the ball so hard on the last level, what the actual fuck
Mid. Turns out the bootleg pikachu music came from here. Huh.
shovelware-shaped kino
THIS right here is the peak of video games. No structure, no consistency, no playtesting, just you and 100 goofy-looking guys on a parallax background
A special 'grasping at straws' kind of dogshit
When I say gaming is dead I mean no games like this are being made anymore
Get your ass back in the mid mines, stupid
Very good handheld port, pretty recurring theme of the best GG games being Genesis ports. There should've been even more tbh. Where's my 8-bit Bio Hazard Battle and Granada?
This SHOULD be good but it falls apart really quickly
Thank you konami but also fuck you konami
PLEASE buy our game! It has anime girls! Our penises our small and our dads left us!!
I think the thing that confired most MS fans have no media literacy was watching them stumble over themselves to say this is better than NES Castlevania
Need more GG stuff like this, please, please please please
I'm sorry Maradona
Support our main man kenney
Super scaler racers need a comeback
Very cute!!

JFC stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
Where's the gameplay?
I don't remember if I actually sincerely liked this or if Yoshi's Safari left me all vulnerable and frail, oh heavens
Gorgeous to look and feel, truly out of this world, masterpiece
Still mid
Reading Mein Kampf and shaking my head the whole time so the people on the bus know I disagree with it
Evil kino
Every DDR game has a song about hard fucking but I didn't expect this game to have a song that's literally 'stop cumming early' and its album art is a dude in tightly-whities clutching a gun near his dick
A very tender and well-considered introspection into the vicious cycle of loneliness and intrusive thinking and how it takes us away from people who need help just as much as we do

But the gameplay sucks lmao
Where the fuck is ska a go go???????
Jenny and I discovered the guy that made this lives somewhat close to me I need to get in touch with him somehow
Evil screaming incantations
Mid. Did you know someone's making a fan sequel to this for MD with ripped sprites from other games? Very cool.
Looks and feels immaculate, plays pretty badly
Stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
I would probably punch polterguy in real life if I ever saw him, looks like the nazi teenager from that one Fat Albert scene
It has The Vibes and that's all that matters. It's kind of dogshit when you're actually playing it
I was shocked when I ended up disliking this, I think Red/Technosoft kinda overestimated their game design skills here, should've stuck to something more simple and cinematic
It fucking sucks DICK

But Yousuke Yasui, oh my god, Yousuke Yasui, you always, always deliver
This was awful, I was way too generous to this just on merit of novelty
As bad as Ginga Force but it also has weaker music too and a forced 'kill them all peter' plot
It's just bad NBA Jam!
Dogshit but the shield mechanic deserves a second attempt
Evil kino
It's cool, fuck the lava level
Kaneko did right once i guess
I think more games should be about skrunkly couples throwing each other at walls
Wait a minute! This isn't MUSHA! This is anal sex!!
Imitating the Europeans sure is a way to go
It did the 'rescue your player character with a second player character' thing years before anyone else, pretty mid otherwise
Pac-Man... with a GUN!
Great bridge-point between the early and later 573-era games, but the song selection could be better on PS1
Cool progenitor to a whole Japanese genre, don't have any interest in coming back to it
Psygnosis apologist
The 2nd most I've ever sweated playing a video game (behind DDR)
Wolfteam should've made more stuff like this instead of 7/10 RPGs
It's just bad NBA Jam!
This and Zero Wing continue proving that whenever Toaplan tries to do art direction, horrible game design isn't far beyond the corner
Raiden burning the casserole right as Truxton comes home and says he had a bad day at work
Stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
It's like 40 minutes longer than it has any right to be


5 months ago

Tee hee, plane of existence I get it.

5 months ago


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