Games My Wife Has Finished

Ranked by how much she liked them. Not my ranking, but I’m still very proud of her. She basically enjoyed everything until Limbo.

36+ hours
Favorite childhood game
Elephant part scarred her for life
30+ hours. Most anticipated game of our lives
She played through a whole RPG by herself on her DS after we got married?!?
She loved the Indiana Jones power up




She observed that the campaign missions were more thoughtfully and meticulously designed and balanced than those in Halo 2
10+ hours
“Ugh Nathan Fillion?”
Exclusively played as Toad
“Who cares?!”
-My wife on the story of Halo Reach


Less than an hour
Seriously amazing that she was able to complete this game
Cannot believe she pushed through this



She HATED the Master Chief/Cortana stuff in this and the villain
Hated the ending
Despised the story and it made her motion sick


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