Games to play before you die

I started this list to try to condense unique, important and brilliant videogames, that I would recommend for a person to play before they die. The games need to be remarkable, important for the industry, create new traditions or the pinnacle of a genre.
I accept suggestions, there's no way I can know every important game.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the peak of the Super Smash Bros. series, which is basically a commemorative game of the videogame industry.
One of the best open-world games, which a world that feels like an actual place, with visuals and mechanics that makes one want to live inside that world.
One of the best games in the Wii era and provides new experiences with the gravity mechanics.
Metroid is one the first games to have a metroidvania style, and the Game Boy Advance remake is the best way to experience the classic.
One of the best games in its era.
It is usually not comparable to Ocarina of Time, but its uniqueness makes it one of the most interesting games in the 32/64-bit era.
Considered one of the best games of all time, it had many mechanics that are now standard in the industry.
One of the most important games in the collect-a-thon style of platform games, it was the peak of it's trend and considered one of the best on the 64-bit era.
The international release, not the 3D All-Stars version.
The game is full of design flaws that show its age, like the bad camera, but it is the first example of how to build a platform game in three dimensions and with free camera.
The best game in the Donkey Kong Country series, there one of the best platformers and best looking 16-bit era game.
One of the best platformers there are, which would only be topped by the second game
Mega Man X is an evolution of the original series to be faster and more modern for the 16-bit era.
The quintessential first person shooter, the peak of the beginning of the genre.
It is an evolution of the first game, and considered one of the best in the whole series.
An evolution of the first game in the series, now there is a better developed story-telling, although it got way less open then the original game.
Another portrait of the 16-bit era, it shows how a game can be fast and thrilling.
The fighting game that changed the scene, and one of the most important fighting games until this day.
Super Mario World is one of the best platform game examples there are, and a portrait of the 16-bit era.
The quintessential puzzle game. It is basically one of the icons of the videogame industry.
This game has beautiful graphics, interesting design and an incredible soundtrack. It is one of the most important examples in the whole Mega Man series, and one of the games that portraits the 8-bit era.
One of the first open-world games, a game where you have to strive in an open fantasy world, without any clue of where to go from the start.
The side-scrolling platformer bible.
One of the most important games of all time
One of the most important arcade games of all time, and one of the games to make the industry become so popular.


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