The grand list of RPGs beaten or dropped, ranked

Better to look at this as tiers, rather than a strictly ranked thing

#1-15: S-tier (excellent/favorites)
#16-34: A-tier (great/memorable)
#35-57: B-tier (I really like it/almost great, with some obvious flaws)
#58-68: C-tier (okay/flawed, I did enjoy them, but don't really care for them a lot)
#69-: D-tier (just bad, or painfully mediocre, if I beat this, it's because I'm an idiot)

In the case of games with multiple versions, I'm considering my favorite one, from those I've played.

Kalos really is obviously unfinished (and just so happens to be the only region without any kind of expansion, for some reason), but in terms of being a "monster-catching rpg", this is the peak of the series. The sheer variety is spectacular, and you can offset the non-sensical level curve by raising two full teams, thanks to the unfaily maligned EXP Share.
Speaking of nostalgia boost, this one's placement is pretty much just that. I've completed the dex on the original Silver, in my old Game Boy, so it's by far my most played gen.
But the Pokémon distribution is a mess, the level curve makes no sense, and they didn't fix any of that in the remake. Are you serious
A decent story and characters in a Pokémon game. True wizardry. Beyond that, I find the "you'll only encounter brand new mons" thing to be pretty refreshing, and the spritework is deliciously appealing.

Movement is a bit sucky, and the writing can be a bit exhausting during lore dumps. But truly a memorable game with some pretty incredible voice acting.
I sadly have zero fucks to give to Hoenn. The regional dex is weak, and the map design is boring.
"Too much water" became a meme, but it's true man.
The nostalgia boost is strong with this one, because being before the physical/special split really hurts this game. But gen 1 just gives me comfy feelings.

Suuuuuper charming, legit funny, and with really fun bosses, albeit with an obnoxious difficulty spike (and even a beginner's trap) at the end.
A story so bad that it truly fascinates me. Stuff just happens, there is no pay-off to anything, ever.

Plot devices that serve no purpose other than to have a plot twist, that also serves absolutely no purpose.

Terrible antagonists that have no motivation or anything, they are just evil because.

I have a serious theory that they wrote this while drunk and/or coked up

But damn if it isn't fun to build a party of Gods of Destruction with minimal effort.
Sinnoh's map design is much better than Hoenn's, but the regional dex is still eh, so I have only a few more fucks to give for gen 4. It sucks for fire types, but also sucks for water types, try not to pick Piplup and you'll see.

I really think this is the best Sinnoh game though, only because you don't have to deal with 3 billion HMs, the HP bars don't take forever to drain, and the Underground is a somewhat decent solution for the weak dex. Half-assed and half-baked, but decent.

Best Elite 4 battles in the series by a landslide though.

An overly simplistic RPG (everyone sharing the same MP pool really limits things) that clearly loses steam towards the end. I theorize that the fallout between Square and Nintendo at the time affected this game.
Review here:

I don't think the 2nd half is as bad as everyone says, but it really is much more exhausting, filled with what feel like gimmicks (it's pitch-black! the floor is invisible! you get a headache! this last one actually happened in Lost Izalith)
Review here:

Some annoying AAA tropes design (such as "slowly walking for no reason"), and a truly shambolic and non-sensical endgame with characters suddenly being cryptic (Nomura!), backed up by a legit cool battle system (that also suffers from "spectacle over all" though), and fantastic production values.

Cool battle system, super appealing character designs, nonsense shonenshit ending that really tickled my brain, even after the slog that were the last 5-ish hours of the game. Everyone just becomes an exposition machine, good grief.
Review here

Fantastic turn-based combat, satisfying difficulty, it's a fairly accessible game if you know what you're doing. Hint, fuse the Fiends.

My only real criticism is the abundance of RNG. Fusing skills is RNG, recruiting monsters is RNG, it adds up and really annoys me.

Incredibly fun gameplay, and the 4x speed modifier of this version fixes the big issue of dungeons eventually becoming too exhausting.

Though I ultimately enjoy the story, it isn't fully realized in the slightest, especially regarding the characters.
Consider this as the entirety of FFXIV. Review:

A massive barrier of entry that delivers a truly worthwhile ending, if you're a fan of Sakaguchi-era Final Fantasy.
This is the 3D remake
Review here:

The experimental nature makes some aspects of this game feel a bit undercooked. but the vibes and atmosphere are immaculate, and the experiment ultimately paid off.
Different enough from the 2D versions to be considered its own thing. Worse than the other version mostly because of unbalanced difficulty, with some mobs giving a guaranteed game over if they spam their AoE attacks.

Full review:
Review here:

Consists of nothing more than "grind until you can reach the next town", but it's a weirdly comfy game to play. It helps that it's like 5 hours long, possibly less. Would greatly benefit from a Pixel Remaster-like version.
I have a lot of nostalgic attachment to the franchise, and this is kind of a "dream game" to me, being the kind of thing I would dream of as a kid (I was instead stuck with Digimon World 2 )

So I won't bore you with my (completely bloated and irrelevant) opinion on this game lmao

I'll just say that, when it comes to the "monster catching", this runs circles around Pokémon, to stick with that cliche comparison. I finished the "dex" (300 and something creatures), and it was a breeze, with easy to achieve ways of speeding up the process

Also leave you with a negative, as the "penetrating" attacks aren't properly balanced, and you're fucked if you don't have some Digimon with that kind of attack by the endgame
Playing this on PC with a mod to give everyone EXP is a necessity, as having to swap in characters all the time just so they level up is a bore. Regardless, this game is super janky, the in-game cutscenes have aged rather poorly, but the vibes of go extra hard, and it's the definition of "better than the sum of its parts"

Shambolic UI, very hostile to the player, disjointed story, immaculate vibes and presentation, incredibly satisfying gameplay once you figure it out.

Not easy to recommend, but if it clicks it clicks. Don't think I'd enjoy it on real hardware though, only emulators.

Incredibly enjoyable exploration and fun combat with some issues. Actually does the "10+ playable characters!" thing significantly better than Final Fantasy VI. Story goes batshit crazy in a good way, with enjoyable characters.

This is the Pixel Remaster, as I feel the 3D remake is different enough to be considered separate things.

I prefer this version. The QoLs make it much comfier to play, the Crystal Tower isn't as unbearable thanks to them, and actually make the "buffer" mechanic from the 3D remake really stupid in hindsight.
Dark Souls, but much more video-game-y. It's not a criticism, I like how gamey this is. The loot system can surely be overwhelming and even a deal breaker for some, but I didn't mind it. It seems like the game kinda properly begins on New Game+, but I had my fill with a regular playthrough.

Team Ninja is one of the best studios out there for action games. Also the worst studio for storytelling, I skipped the cutscenes without even thinking twice. I believe this is my 2nd favorite Team Ninja game, so far, only behind the first Ninja Gaiden. definitely better than Ninja Gaiden 2 and 3.

The sheer amount of damage that enemies deal to you is kinda ridiculous though. Many, many times I had full health, only to die instantly to a particularly hard-hitting attack. C'mon now.

I melted most of the bosses towards the end too. That Tallisman of Sloth is OP as fuck
Review here:

"Dragon Quest 1 but bigger!", ends up feeling fairly irritating. Searching for these McGuffins in this massive world with little to no direction isn't really enjoyable.

Absurd, enormous, titanic. The QoLs of this version make this an even more fun RPG. Turn on the 4x ABP gains, and experiment with the jobs in a fraction of the time it'd normally take.

The villain is a sentient evil tree who at one point transforms into a splinter. Imagine playing this game and thinking it's "bad" or "lame".
Dropped. One of my "golden" standards for "shitty video game writing". Left a review here:
Review here:

An incredibly tightly paced RPG, with fun combat and an entertaining story. One of the few RPGs I actually bothered to "platinum". I swear the soundtrack only has 3 tracks though.
Review here:

I like this more than I would because I'm a metroidvania whore and a sucker for a good turn-based combat. It does waaaaaay too much, there are so many things to consider in your party.

If you do a monster-catching rpg, don't use traditional equipment. It's a pain.

Very simple JRPG, but one of the most tightly paced games in the genre I've played yet. No fluff, sidequests worth a damn with good rewards, no waste of time. Took me about 30 or so hours to do all the sidequests and finish the game.
Dropped. An absurdly gorgeous-looking game with an incredible soundtrack, and an extremely simple combat that is very chill to just turn off your brain and relax and enjoy the vibes.

Unfortunately, this is all ruined by a horrendous structure. This game is really just a collection of sidequests, and the bad kind of sidequests, the "find my cat!" variety. Not only that, but there's very poor direction, you just talk to random NPCs to trigger the quests. A huuuuge shame, as the production values really are spectacular and the game is just chill.

Occasionally shows its true age, but I had to remind myself that this wasn't actually a SNES JRPG, just a remake of a NES one.
Dropped. Left a review here:

Has no idea how to use its main combat mechanic, ends up feeling like a worthless gimmick. Slow load times add up to the irritation.

Amazingly cozy JRPG, with a shockingly effective story, achieving greatness through subtlety.
Dropped. Many, many years ago, so I don't remember enough to write a proper review.

But basically: early PS2 jank, coupled with a terrible pacing and a nothing story and characters.

I still remember the point where I gave up, it's when you need to visit to the sewers for the third fucking time, with said sewers being about as fun as you'd expect from a JRPG.


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