#AgeOfDecomps - Decompilations & Ports

A list of decompilation or porting projects done by fans.

Significant changes or additions will be added as "updates" at the bottom of this description field. Grouped by entries with PC ports first, then without; both alphabetical (by original title)

Please feel free to comment or suggest some!
Thanks to...
Nowhere, for Cave Story, Zelda 3, Sonic 2013, Sonic 3 AIR.
NinjaBunny, for Pokecrystal / sister Pokemon games.
Dadhunter, for Timesplitters 2.
MendelPalace, for Dungeon Keeper.
Additions/changes below, most recent at top of list.
Update 03/16/2024: Added Marathon via Alpha One.

Update 02/23/2024: Added Infinity Blade (PC port)

Update 12/17/2023: Added Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (ZIIAOL)

Update 12/15/2023: Added Command & Conquer/Red Alert, Dune 2000 (both via OpenRA), TES II: Daggerfall (Daggerfall Unity), TES III: Morrowind (OpenMW), Link's Awakening DX HD, Tyrian (OpenTyrian)

Update 11/14/2023: Removed most "decomp/port" BL entries to help make the list less cluttered and easier to parse; link to port/etc. page in notes of original. Entries that are obvious enough remain (i.e. LSD Revamped, Sonic the Hedgehog Forever). List description updated to match.

Update 11/12/2023: Added Dungeon Keeper via Keeper FX.

Update 11/05/2023: Added OutRun via Cannonball.

Update 10/26/2023: Added Final Fantasy VII (reimplementation of the PC releases)

Update 10/25/2023: Added the PlayStation version of Doom.

Update 09/21/2023: Slightly updated resources for The Faces of Evil and The Wand of Gamelon.

Update 09/20/2023: Added ScummVM and New Super Mario Bros. Versus, this one's a little bit of a stretch but I think it deserves to be showcased. Updated list description formatting to italicize titles. Added resource for The Faces of Evil and The Wand of Gamelon.

Update 09/10/2023: Added RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (OpenRCT2), can't believe I forgot this.

Update 09/08/2023: Added Super Metroid and Super Mario World projects' pages to list, thanks user @dleo for adding them to IGDB!

Update 09/07/2023: Added Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey and Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (R.E.L.I.V.E. fan engine replacement)

Update 07/18/2023: Added Space Cadet Pinball, thanks to @MendelPalace

Update 07/16/2023: Added several games with ports, added a lot of completed decomps; reorganized.

Update 06/09/2023: Added GTA III and GTA Vice City. Reformatted list description a bit.

Fairly complicated set up but I think it works? Please comment if found to be broken.
( Decomped, no native ports )
NOTE: Unfinished, but Sonic, Shadow and Silver are complete.
BL page
< Itch.io page was taken down, contained full game, also somewhat buggy. >
BL page.
Works as a drop in replacement for freeware and CS+, ported into Rust with basic QOL improvements.

Relies on Homefront the Revolution for setup. https://github.com/HFTSRedux/TS2Redux
PC port. Look it up.
Now available officially on Steam -here-
(The PS1 version specifically) https://github.com/BodbDearg/PsyDoom
Lil bit of a stretch but wanted to showcase it - https://ipodtouch0218.itch.io/nsmb-mariovsluigi
I think this counts - https://www.scummvm.org/
< used as buffer space between ports vs decomp only >


1 year ago

i believe theres one for paper mario that already reached full decompilation for the US release

1 year ago

I know of that one, but currently it only exists as a means to rebuild the rom. I should clarify that I mean I want to list things that are playable or intend to make playable native on other hardware, otherwise all of the Pokemon decomps would be here too (i.e. Pokecrystal, but again that's only used for rebuilding the rom)

1 year ago

Actually yeah I'll just extend it to include those, but grouped separately at the bottom.

8 months ago

I am the one who added some of the Nintendo ones to IGDB. This is another one from snesrev: https://backloggd.com/games/sm/

8 months ago

@dleo thank you for adding those to IGDB, makes it less confusing to log I think.

Last updated: