Tell me your favorite game and I'll pick a game specially for you!

I'm not saying you'll like it, though.

Results may be better if you tell me why it's your favorite game. Or they can be worse. It's 50/50, really,


FFVI is a very hard act to follow and it seems you already played (and enjoyed) all the obvious answers like FFIX and Chrono Trigger. So here's a non-obvious answer for you!

Ikenfell is a tactical jrgp-like thing with a very diverse and loveable cast, tight and fun combat, banger soundtrack, and a story that answers the question "what if JK Rowling was a true ally and not a transphobic trash?". The plot is not exactly original, but the focus is on the characters, their relationships and how they see themselves. Besides, the story is actually very well paced and the gameplay doesn't bog it down - it's one of those magical RPGs where you don't have to grind endlessly to keep up with the enemies.

On a sidenote, the game has some thoughtful optional accessibility features like instantly winning combats or giving the player a warning when some possibly triggering scene is coming up. I thought it was a nice touch.
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

A fan of Mario Galaxy and Sonic Generations, huh? Well, I think Klonoa 2 would be a good fit for you. It's a beautiful plarformer with some amazing levels and just a tiny bit of the 2000core special sauce that makes Sonic Adventure and Jak tick. Give the first Klonoa a try too!
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss

You really threw me a curveball there, huh, mate? One game I haven't played yet, one I have never even heard about before and one I played for just like 5 minutes

I'll go with the one I did play a little bit (System Shock) and recommend you Ultima Underworld. In a sense it's a spiritual predecessor to System Shock and the immersice sim genre as a whole. Amazing atmosphere, some very catchy songs (if you're using the right sound drive; DOS games are tricky to configure) and a world that feels quite alive and reactive even to today's standards.

That's a very tricky one. Yume Nikki is a very unique game, there's really nothing quite like it. But at least Gorogoa has dense atmosphere and surreal imagery in spades, even if it's a much more linear game.

Not much to go on, but 20XX is one of my favorite Mega Man-likes, so maybe you'll like it.
Cave Story
Cave Story

That's quite a selection of genres and words you have there. What stuck with me though were "platformer", "run n gun" and "puzzle" — and there are few platformer-run'n'gun-puzzle-things than Cave Story.

(Now I just have to discover a wrestling-car-combat-monster-taming experience)

A fellow 2000core enjoyer, I see. I'll go with a cliche-for-a-reason recommendation and pick Shenmue. It has the same (not so naive) naivety we kids from the late 90s/early 00s grew with, deliciously crunchy early 3D graphics and an emphasis of storytelling through its world (although it is a much more chatty game than SotC). The slow rhythm may or may not be a plus.

Another very hard act to follow. After thinking it over and over, the only game that came to mind was the (kinda forgotten?) classic Myst. This game is all about art direction and use of architecture. If the slideshow-like of the 1993 version is too primitive, you can also try realMyst, a fully 3D remake released on 2000.
Pathologic 2
Pathologic 2

Finding a game that's simultaneously 1) heartbreaking with a sense of humor 2) oppressive 3) challenging 4) scary and 5) non-traditional is a difficult task, so I'll have to cheat a bit - which is okay as long as you're sincere about it. Or was it as long as you're not caught? I dunno, I was never good at cheating.

I haven't played Pathologic 2, but I watched some gameplays and my best friend never shuts up about it. It's a game that's in my "to play" shortlist (which means it'll take only 20 years for me to finally play it) and reading about what you like in your favorite games it was the first one that came to my mind.

My first recommendation (ZeroRanger) fell flat because you already played (and enoyed!) it, so here's a second try.

UNSIGHTED is a metroidvania-zelda-like-thingy with great anime-y aesthetics, great sense of freedom, banger soundtrack and a unique limited-time mechanic that has narrative and thematic sense.

It's also a brazilian game made by two lesbian trans-woman. That doesn't make it a good game in and of itself, just thought it was nice.
A Mind Forever Voyaging
A Mind Forever Voyaging

Aí tu me apertou, parceiro. Além de VN ser um dos gêneros menos conheço, não joguei Fata Morgana ainda. Guiando-me pela descrição do game, vou te indicar esse clássico da Ficção Interativa aqui - não a mesma coisa que VN, mas correlato, acho. É um IF bem acessível, tendo exatamente um puzzle e se baseando muito mais em explorar os lugares e testemunhar eventos. Como Morgana, a narrativa viaja em vários pontos no tempo. A pegada é scifi em vez de paranormal, mas com uma abordagem bem filosófica.

Bônus: o game é basicamente propaganda anti-neoliberal.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Eu sou um fã-zaço de Final Fantasy e, como você, tenho o IX como um dos meus favoritos. Recentemente comecei a me inteirar sobre a série Dragon Quest também e tô curtindo bastante. Dos que joguei, diria que o V é um dos que disputaria pau-a-pau com qualquer FF.

Assim como IX, ele tem uma vibe meio light-hearted que esconde momentos que vão te fazer pensar "caraca, esse game é pra crianças?".

Uma nota sobre DQ: apesar da sua fama como uma série muito mais tradicional com mecânicas que são o feijão-com-arroz do gênero, creio que você vai se surpreender como a série pode ser experimental (mecânica *e* narrativamente falando) uma vez jogando-o.

If you're into unconventional metroidvanias, give Dandara a try! The structure is tamer than Wario Land 3 (what isn't am I right?), but it makes up for it in both unique mechanics and style.

Bonus: not only it's a brazilian game, the studio is from the city where I live :D
King of Dragon Pass
King of Dragon Pass

Você quer alma o suficiente para reviver uma legião de zumbis e prosa que faria Machado de Assis parecer um amador? King of Dragon Pass tem.

Você quer um jogo que vai te fazer se sentir inteligente quando sacar como ele funciona? King of Dragon Pass é seu jogo.

Você quer um game imperdoável que vai te fazer morrer das formas mais humilhantes possíveis e te fazer rir enquanto isso? King of Dragon Pass é teu game.

Você quer um game que simula nosso domínio sobre o corpo de forma lúdica e nos reconecta com nossa natureza humana, o que nossa sociedade contemporânea chama de "esporte"? Aí é melhor procurar outro game, KoDP tem disso não.
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime

Deixa eu te perguntar: esses "sentimentos que eu não consigo nem explicar" são um misto de solidão, melancolia e nostalgia por espaços que você não conhece e nunca visitou, mas algo dentre de você reconhece como familiar? Se sim, você estará muito bem servido com Metroid Prime, te garanto.

At first I was going to pick Hypnospace Outlaw, but after thinking it over I decided to recommend you its older, more obtuse and weirder sibling.

Here's a game with a similar theme to Hypnospace and your description of Chulip: a raw exploration of older communities that modern society tends to idealize but had a lot of pervasive problems like rampant exploitation, abuse and jerkasses. But although it does not shy away from the ugly side of things, these games do not reject nostalgia and they show that the feelings, passion, attachment and relationships people had were quite genuine.

Of course, Hacknet (and Hypnospace) deal with virtual communities/places, and western ones on top of that, but I think you'll like it.

So. Thoughtful explorations of modern society/relationships that are not completely cynical about it. I love your style, but you already played all the big ones, making my job harder for me lol

Well, the one game that came to my mind was Dropsy. It's the complete opposite of a cynical game even though it touches on a lot of subjects like prejudice, labor exploitation, propaganda and religion. A little weird, but weird is good, right?
Into the Breach
Into the Breach

Here's a wild bet. Not the same genre/style as FFV, but it's a very streamlined experience, with a tactical combat that's very simple but also hides a lot of depth and theres a ton of room for experimentation. It can also be played in bite-sized sessions, which is always a plus - the way the game is designed, every battle lasts just around 5 turns and a typical campaign lasts about 2 hours.
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
chandler, second try

You're making my job harder. I love it.

So, maybe I'm waaaay off the mark here, but I have a feeling you may enjoy this one. It has a huge 2000core energy, even if it was released quite later, a neat platforming mechanic about cutting and moving things and is a bite-sized experience that can be played in, like, 2 or 3 hours.

It has just 200 plays here on backloggd, so even if not exactly obscure it is at least underappreciated.
Planescape: Torment
Planescape: Torment

It seems you're mostly a jRPG-guy. So why not try a wRPG? Planescape is one of the absolutely best and has exactly what you're looking for: party members who you have to rely on and that are absurdly well written. This game has one of the best casts in all of gaming, no joke.

My man, don't sleep on this classic. It's not as tight as SMG2, but I dare say the levels are even more creative.
Odallus: The Dark Call
Odallus: The Dark Call

Dá uma chance pra essa gema brasileira. A estrutura é diferente de Hollow Knight, sendo mais semi-linear, quase fazendo uma ponte entre os Classicvanias e os Metroidvanias. Apesar disso, ele esbanja atmosfera, possui controles precisos e gostosos, tem uma história dahora e as influências de Berserk são mais pesadas do que em HK e até Dark Souls.
Aviary Attorney
Aviary Attorney

I'm not that much into 80core, ao I'll go with your other fav and recommend you this little indie here. It's pastiche of Ace Attorney, the big series by the same author of Ghost Trick, but less "attorney-y" and more story focused. It's also quite short, you can platinum it in like 3 hours. Also, just look at it.

I see you played Fallout 3 and 4 but not the classics. I'm not trying to get into the Bethesda hate wagon here, but pre and post Bethesda Fallout are very different beasts. In particular, 1 & 2 fit your description ("well written and funny dialogue, build variety, and skills actually affecting dialogue") to a T.

Fallout 1 is also a very, how to say? "Succinct" game. It's not one of those huge RPGs that try to waste your time for hundreds of hours. The whole game can be beaten in around 20 hours, 30 at most. Of course, since every build changes a lot of the way you play and complete quests, it's highly replayable, so you can still sink quite a lot of time with this one.

Story and themes that are intertwined with the game's mechanics is ZeroRanger's middle name, and the characters are all nice little guys to boot. Even if you're not into shmups, give this one a try!
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider

Please, hear me out!

You love envolving first-person experiences and games that greatly reward your mastery of at-first non-intuitive mechanics (specially related to movement). So, how does the first Tomb Raider fit?

Well, it doesn't... Until you mod it. There's an open-source port of the game called OpenLara that, among other things, lets you play the classic in first person. It can be a little disorienting ar first, but it works insanely well after you get the hang of it. It feels like some kind of obscure Mirror's Edge predecessor that time forgot.
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

One thing that stood out to me about your description of Silver Case is how you call it a purgatorial experience. That reminded me of another game that, albeit not set in a cold and thorny world, is much more a spiritual journey of self-discovery and reflection than just ludic escapism, Ultima IV.

Ultima IV is old, obtuse and not always "fun" to play. Its philosophical side is also much more corny and less subtle than Silver Case seems to be. But if you have a bit of patience you'll find it a wholly engrossing experience that'll certainly leave an impression on you.
80 Days
80 Days

I'm currently playing 80 Days currently, it became a little obsession of mine - I already completed it 7 times and still want to play some more. The way you describe Earthbound reminded me a lot of this game. It's a game that exhudes humanity. Reading all the little stories of the cities you visit and talking with everyone is such a joy. And, like Earthbound, it's a light-but-actually-dense kinda text that's beautiful to behold. Of course, the themes here are different, dealing much more with the effects and legacy of XIX century colonialism/imperialism instead of the effects of consumerist-capitalist society on our personal relationships and feelings, but I don't think that'll be a problem.
If on a Winter's Night, Four Travelers
If on a Winter's Night, Four Travelers

A very stylish short and free point-and-click adventure with great neogothic vibes, deliciously crunchy pixels and charmingly corny characters. Get it while it's hot!
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia is not exactly a "tight" platformer. On the contrary, its controls feel heavy and imprecise at first. But I think the game actually captures one of the main motivations behind the genre, a core element that games like Celeste are also able to capture in their own way: how good it is to feel like you have mastery over the movement of your character. Once you learn how to controle the Prince and understands the levels, things will just flow.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus

Where are all these Outer Wilds and Rain World fans coming from? Anyways.

If you enjoy "the exploration of an uncaring world much larger than you with gameplay mechanics that tie into that in some way" and haven't played Shadow of the Colossus yet, then oh boy, you're in for a treat.
Bitsy Mystery Dungeon
Bitsy Mystery Dungeon

Here's a very unothordox recommendation. The joy of exploring, getting lost and finding your way (and secrets along the way) is in a very condensed and distilled state here. In a sense, that's all there's to this game: exploration.

Getting a bit deeper, as you play Bitsy Mystery Dungeon you'll be engaging in a dualist kind of exploration. As you explore the dungeon and its rooms, you also explore the diverse culture and artists of the Bitsy scene. You see, each and every room of the dungeon was made by a different artist. They all have their own visual style, writing and sometimes a gimmick or two. What could be an unholy mess becomes a diverse but ultimately cohese experience because of the smart way the project leader connected everything - there are even quests that link seemingly whole unrelated rooms.

Bonus: this game is free and you can complete it in one sitting.
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Astro Boy: Omega Factor

Astro Boy: Omega Factor has a bit of jankiness, but makes up for it with a plot that's a true rollercoaster ride. It's exaggerated as only anime can be (and being an Astro Boy game, it's as anine as it can be), but also very genuine in its sentimentality and earnest in its execution.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Um clássico obrigatório que foi jogado para o escanteio por causa de seu irmão mais novo, bonito, polido e acessível (Skyrim) — assim como GTAV parece ter ofuscado SA e outros GTA desde que saiu. Nos dois casos, os jogos mais antigos têm qualidades que se não estão ausentes nos mais modernos são incrivelmente exacerbadas nos clássicos: um mundo vasto que te dá a ilusão de que você pode fazer o que quiser, um senso de exploração e descoberta infindável e NPCs que dentro de suas limitações parecem agentes vivos no mundo.

Mas o aspecto que mais aproxima TES3 de GTASA é sua ousadia que beira a presunção. Ele tenta fazer mil e uma coisas, falhando em muitas delas, mas mesmo quando falha é interessante e divertido. É um senso de experimentação e rompimento de limites que não existe mais nos jogos AAA modernos completamente homogeneizados.

Aqui está uma experiência anticapitalism-core esteticamente bonita, engraçadinha e cheia de "vida". Nem de longe é emocionante como Mother 3, mas é um jogo sucinto e leve que me lembra um pouco a vibe e mensagem dele.

(No mais, pelo teu backloggd cê não jogou Disco Elysium ainda. Talvez você só não tenha logado, mas se realmente não jogou, pode ir fundo nele. Ele é o Mother 3 ocidental, e com sobra)
Ultima VII: The Black Gate
Ultima VII: The Black Gate

If you want a completely reactive and live world and a lot of freedom in how to proceed you can't go wrong with this classic.
Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story

This game is what an evil FrozenRoy from a parallel universe would like, I guess. Summon Night is 2D, has witty writing, is action-paced, set in a steampunk world and has a simple crafting system; Vagrant Story is 3D, the writing is very dense, the combat more strategic, is set in a dark fantasy world and the crafting absurdly complex. The very good character design and LGBT representation is untouched, though.
Faith: The Unholy Trinity
Faith: The Unholy Trinity

That's a tricky one, cause I don't play a lot of survival horrors nor know that much about the genre. I'll go with FAITH cause it's free, weird, short and cool.

Completely different genre, but I think your appreciation for nature and human connectedness will find a good outlet here. The campaign mode of this game is a bit too on the nose for my taste, but the challenges and sandbox modes are awesome.
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

Vai fundo com Klonoa que cê não vai se arrepender.

Esse jogo vai ser uma boa pedida pra, é basicamante um Inscryption mais casual. Gratuito!


1 year ago

well shit, i've never heard of this one. i'm not seeing the 00s vibe so much as i'm seeing more like, 6th gen in general, but it looks neat! i'll check it out sometime. thanks for introducing me to something new chief!
The World Ends With You for how it effortlessly manages to intertwine game mechanics with it's story's themes, really down to earth and likeable characters, and super slick presentation

1 year ago

some cool recs being thrown out, haven’t participated in any of these bc i didn’t wanna be a burden but ill try it out. my fave games the 25th ward: the silver case. ~20 hour long adv title/vn with an impossibly cold atmosphere. you spend all that time in a functionally purgatorial city investigating murders and learning what little you can actually parse about a society that seems built specifically with data collection & surveillance in mind. as a result it’s got a really thorny and confrontational edge but there’s a lot of beauty in there too, often tucked away or reduced to embers. just a constantly surreal, dreamy and haunting in the best ways, really great work w serialization and tone i think. sharp musings on the internet, dehumanization, gender identity, even games themselves. but yeah all these years since playing and ive been unable to get it out of my mind. due for a replay soon

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Wow, Into The Breach looks totally up my alley. I'm a tactical RPG enthusiast and my latest time sink has been Streets of Rogue so I know I'll probably enjoy the roguelike/roguelite elements. Going straight on my backlog, but I'm gonna procrastinate actually playing it for now because I'm in a busy period of work and it looks like the kind of game that will obliterate my sleep schedule. Many thanks

1 year ago

Earthbound. For its representation of earth and its societies, human beings and their roles, the playful, light, yet dense, emotional weight of its writing. Also for its player direction being motivated by the player's own volition and desire for exploration by making each dialogue an equally worthwhile and important joke or idea, as opposed to a cutscene or single npc of interest. I think finding nuggets of gold in the people while exploring those places is so fun, it's unpredictable and more valuable than a functionally driven item or treasure.

1 year ago

Hard for me to decide between Clock Tower (SNES) and Castlevania SOTN! Love the 2D horror/gothic designs! Very fun to play and they always have stuck with me. Absolutely love horror games for sure!

1 year ago

Celeste; for how tight and satisfying its core mechanics and controls are and yet how deep the well goes on weird little movement tech quirks being the sort of things that entire modded level packs can be built around (neutral jumps? reverse hyper dashes? jellyvators? the rabbit hole goes so deep...), for how creative and expressive its level design is in terms of mechanics, visuals and themes, for how its story is precise enough to carry real meaning and weight and yet broad enough to be able to project your own experiences onto. Also the music just owns

1 year ago

I've never heard of Gorogoa but this looks right up my alley! Definitely copping it when I can afford it. Thanks for the rec!

1 year ago

Rain World - I really love how alive and varied its world feels with the AI and procedural animation, not only is it fun to try to weave your way out of these situations but it also enforces the game's themes and can get a lot of emotions across. I also like how many of its mechanics are contextualized in the world and the player character's placement in it (rodent near the bottom of the food chain without much further significance). I also enjoy the openness of the levels as well as its general aesthetic.
Outer Wilds is almost tied with it for my favorites for a bunch of similar reasons. And i think a common thread between both is the exploration of an uncaring world much larger than you with gameplay mechanics that tie into that in some way.

1 year ago

@supraang glad to see one of the other three breakdown fans on the planet here

1 year ago

what happened to the other thread :(

copout answer but super metroid. I love the feeling of exploration and how you can almost go anywhere in any order. Combat is basic of course but that is not the goal of the game. Just being able to go anywhere and always find an item (more often than not a missile) is rewarding in itself. Having to figure out how to get to this 1 part you thought was inaccessible at first is thrilling.

My list is pretty behind but I've played every other metroid and most of the popular metroidvanias.

1 year ago

Thank you in advance if you manage to get to me!
Undertale/Deltarune: Both games are overwhelmingly earnest, they can be overly sentimental but its balanced out by the sheer emotional honesty said sentimentality comes from. In Deltarune especially, the love it shows for the feelings of its players and characters, especially the way it depicts its young cast working through their feelings, is inspiring.
MGS2: I find its story of overcoming the destiny written for you through embracing your authentic self inspiring, and feel its one of the best and most socially relevant executions of such a story.
Through both of these games runs a love of strange surreal storytelling and an awareness of the player and their role.

1 year ago

lucas que recomendação foda! sem dúvidas darei chance num futuro próximo/médio, parece bem um tipo de maluquice que eu posso curtir bastante

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Po cara, a forma como você descreveu me fez até colocar a mão na cabeça, nunca a expressão "você tirou as palavras da minha boca" fez tão sentido pra mim kkkk tu conseguiu adivinhar um sentimento q eu nem eu conseguia expressar direito, valeu cara. Pode ter certeza q agr eu entro de cara na franquia Metroid.

1 year ago

GTA San Andreas ou Undertale

1 year ago

já que ninguém disse, e bem, como é meu jogo favorito: mother 3!! ele me afeta muito pessoalmente, amo o quão sentimental ele é mas também o quão crítico ao capitalismo ele é e o quanto toda a mudança que acontece na cidade muda não só a vida, mas a relação de todo mundo que vive ali. amo o combate usando ritmo de música pra combar (e amo as músicas). amo todas as narrativas, como elas se interligam e ela ser mais linear, também. amo a estética e a vibe do jogo num geral. é o videogame perfeito pra mim.

1 year ago

Haven't played SotC, mainly because i don't really have direct access to it, have heard a fair few things about it though and it does seem fairly interesting, thanks for the reccomendation!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Ok, I think everyone is accounted for! If for some reason I didn't recommend you anything, just send a comment and I'll try to give you an answer asap!

1 year ago

ty v much for my rec and i do fully expect to know how to hack and code by the time i finish it

1 year ago

Look, I can't guarantee you'll be able to hack and code after playing it, but you will be able to fake it and look and feel cool as hell while doing it, which is indeed the most important part of any code related activity

1 year ago

Foi uma ideia pra lista sensacional mano, além da sua recomendação, eu me interessei por vários outros jogos aqui da lista. Super interessante ver as opiniões da galera, é a prova de que joguinho eletrônico não é só algo pra matar o tempo, mas sim algo que conecta quem gosta em um nível espiritual, é muito legal ver como a galera fala com tanta paixão sobre jogos aqui no site.

1 year ago

Ultima's been on my list for a while ever since I played Arx Fatalis, I'll finally give it a go, ty!

1 year ago

never heard of that one but it looks really cool, thanks man
since my top 2 games are done I'm gonna go with my 3rd pick deus ex

1 year ago

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story

Reasoning: The aesthetic is a huge part of it, it has a very cool steampunk-crafting (but not overused Victorian Steampunk) / Industrial feel to it, the writing is very charming and witty, LGBT representation, and fun (2D) Action RPG gameplay with a simple yet incredibly addicting crafting system. Also the character designs are Very Good.

1 year ago

I have an Analogue Pocket coming soon and am assembling a GBA backlog for that. This game sounds like it absolutely rules, thank you!

1 year ago

didn't see this til now - just wanted to say thank you for the very thoughtful suggestion! hopefully this'll be the push i needed to get into those games

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