Story Ranking





"Do you know what he said while he coughed up his lifeblood? "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone." Wheat, eh? There's enough of it, we can afford to waste as much as we want. Like my head, you see? Hahaha! What do you think, my beloved pêche? Hahahahahaha!"

they could of made an entire movie out of Albedo/Jr./Nigredo's backstory. I am not joking. I felt every emotion in this video game. Positive and Negative. It almost goes as hard as the combat system.

most over hated game ever/10
I wish I didn't have to play xenogears.

They made it into a visual novel because the creator got to big for his britches.

Everyone got really mad because the pacing got thrown off.

I was fucking psyched out of my mind, because I don't need to play Xenogears dungeons man.

Citan uzuki telling fei and elly to eat human flesh/10
Shion Uzuki is what makes a peak character. you start by being ok, but then the game actually focuses on Shion Uzuki. I love Shion Uzuki. not as much as AUBREY of course. But she gives her a run for a money.

I love xenosaga episode 3 so fucking much please go boot up the game. somehow I am not saying shit about the story. you will go play it. i'm not fucking joking. do it. now. come on. i'm not waiting. bro. what the fuck.

perfect works
it's tidus's story. i know because he told me multiple times. at first, i was like "hey fucker, it's yuna's story" and he deadset, man's was like "no. it's my story" and at some point, i'd say around the 65% mark. I was like.

holy fuck. it's tidus's story.

tidus goes insane/10
chapter 4 goes about as soft as tora.

the entire game post chapter 6 is really fucking good, kinda like XENOSAGA.

fuck anime/10
they perfected it. They finally made good fire emblem. but at what cost?

maniac mode clash/10
I remember I was a young boy in middle school, and my life sucked. I was sitting down and was like. Damn it's kinda OMORI. except in middle school, OMORI didn't exist. So maybe the creator of OMORI knew my life sucked, and made a game out of it.

So OMOCAT. I guess you stalked me in middle school. Kinda weird bro.

HERO reminds me of my big brother. hes so fuckin cool.

AUBREY reminds me of that time my friend threw my gamestop 5 dollar gamecube controller at the wall. when he was playing marth and my friend and I were playing yoshi and mewtwo, and he was like "you guys are aiming for me" mother fucker its a free for all. i'm aiming for a win dumbass.

I love AUBREY so much. AUBREY is the main character now.

I decided.

I cried.

I am not joking.

I was deafened in a vc for literally 3 hours.

Kinda reminds me when i was born the way I be crying.


cinematic AUBREYpiece.
it's fucking fire emblem.

imagine if fire emblem did LITERALLY ANYTHING

the warden's nose has more substance than most fire emblem plots.

when im in a peak competition and my opponent is loghain!%F0%9F%98%B1_4-32_screenshot_(1).jpg/10
this shit has no spoiler rule likes it's the 3ds ace attorney games

nobody wants to be the 3ds ace attorney games:

can't say pyra/mythra by name/10
Teddie is kinda like an est.

ADachi adachi adachi

""Let's be honest. There's nothing great about the real world, is there? It's just dull and annoying as hell. No one accepts that's the way things are... They're just stuck with it because they can't deny it, either. Those who actually succeed in life... They just happen to be born with the magic ticket called "talent." If you don't have it, you can either accept or deny that fact until you die. That's your only choice. Once you realize that, all you have left in life is despair. The ultimate game over. Wouldn't it be better if that kind of reality was wiped away?""
—Tohru Adachi, Persona 4

maybe? true?
Velvet is the edgiest woman ever. I love when they played Shadow the Hedgehog and was like. This shit fire. Let's do it even better.

It's very funny. Kinda like Family Guy.

After Xenoblade 2 was like "fuck it, no tutorials" this game was like "here's how you navigate a menu." mother fucker it's the 3rd entry i'm gonna show your mom my menu

this game reminds me of a fire emblem peg knight.

they start off bad, become really good in mid game and then they fall off.

when it's good it's the best game on the entire list.

when it's bad, it's just ok.

well that's a 10/10 mixed with a 6/10

8/10 it is.
ok i swear i'll start being serious now.

the conflict is too one-sided, that's the reason this is before the first game.

wish anders did more domestic terrorism or smtn. would of helped the conflict.

blood mages/10
the best bisexual game

i felt more love and care here than any danganronpa game ever made.

korean guy/10
whoever was like "I have a great writing idea! let's make whoever the main character of the chapter silent" I hope they got ligma.

bad writing decision/10

(the ending is really good though just so you know)
this game is probably a 6/10 but you're playing it for the last 45 minutes of the story.

albedo introduction scene/10 (it's one of the few scenes in this game)
It's pretty good but it never really gets above pretty good asides from whenever Egil is on screen. I love when satorl marsh im walkin around the marsh and literally nothing is happening. why would you put an area in a video game. with nothing. you might as well just turn off the game for 45 minute. shulk is a protagonist he's alright

it's fire emblem but good but is still worse than other fire emblem games.

serenoa's voice direction/10
magus carries the entire game from a story standpoint.

this game mastered the fire emblem story.

what do we do with the fire emblem. do we let permadeath ruin the stories of the series.


we just have like 2 characters.

why did they never come back to this.

i literally almost cried at case 4 but it's worse than the 2nd game asides from that.

clown woman peak/10
can an atelier escha girl and an atelier logy boy really be together 😳/10
this is like xenosaga if it had no fucking clue what it was doing.

micaiah is a character who is good i think

fuck pelleas

elincia is great

ike is ok in this one

sanaki is good

sephiroth was insane for being like "this entire game will happen" at the end of path of radiance. hes literally wilhelm.

the blood pact is probably not a good idea.

pelleas fucked over the series/10
kenny is the best supporting character in any visual novel.

the entire game should of been made around kenny. i am not joking.

lee is great and all i'll give you that. clem is pretty good.

but mother fucking kenny...

kenny smashing a guy's head in with a brick/10
remove the second gen and it would be higher.



i am not really joking.

read the manga/10
let's go through the arcs.

- gangrel and dont speak her name so peak so peak

- i dont remember mid game

- walhart goes insane

- shit

i am being serious now just so you readers know.

hardest ending sequence ever.

kefka is the main character.

dancing mad/10
no one is shit this time.

the endgame twist is insane.

despite popular belief. i believe there is no incest.

now i will talk about the story.

I am freelia and this is why eirika is the only intelligent fire emblem lord

"oh no eirika is so dumb she gave the sacred stone to lyon"

"oh no your mom is so dumb i gave her pipe"

same difference

lyon is literally her friend he just outplayed her mentally.

eirika's cool.

valter murdered that one guy so hard. rip

the original smash gmod. insane.

holy fuck/10
the advance wars game with a story

"no don't kill me, you'll become as bad as me"

main female lead shoots him in the head


its just fine it has literally no character focus which hurts it pretty hard when you're up against me"

the milkman scene is traumatic.

this game is so fucking cool.

i only played asgore's route because the other routes were very annoying to get but goat dad and gay sex robot are entertaining

i think the mountain is supposed to be an allegory

oooooooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyy

this reminds me of ohio public school it has it all.

teachers that wanna murder the kids ✓

lower-classmen who wanna throw hands ✓

ghost ✓

himbo who accidently assaulted several people in the class ✓

furries ✓

tragic backstories ✓

guy who hates you for no reason ✓

aliens? ✓

depressed guy ✓

i have never related to a game so much.

arven is the best pokemon character ever written.

he can cook. he has demon slayer backstory. he has tobi fox. he has it all.

the professor plot twist unironically goes kinda hard.

nemona learning her true treasure was helping the trainer along the way proves to me that friendship exist objectively instead of subjectively.

shurelia's dive is probably the closest i've ever gotten to drugs in real life.

the world is really cool. i wish i didn't have to backtrack 500 times to see it. :(

kabbu's dragon ball z power up sequence went crazy. i guess i could say he was mad buggin.

help me/10
it's a disney channel movie./10
it also has a good ending. but this time, atelier is made around being all side quest. fuck you tortillini the golden noodle or whatever.

i cried at the ending/10
admiral bobbery and his demon slayer backstory. i cried. on god. 7.5/10
back in 1999 or whatever the fuck this game was made. they named a character twink. this is probably a great decision now. but they did not know the consequences of naming a character twink.

bowser is so evil in this one dog.

mario is such a thug ass in this game

shapeshifting mario/10
it's shadow dragon but better except i still don't think katarina should be in the game. the other bandit goonies are fine.

jagens poor lines they're stolen i guess who the fuck cares.

i hate the community /10
ganon should of choke slammed tetra in forsaken fortress. from the top rope. tri force of ballin.

i remember the glitches slightly more than the story. the retainer went hard. nathanial howe is a good idea. I love the warden his nose is so big.

nose modifier/10
roger's tragic backstory is probably the most out of tone shit i have seen in this entire series. I basically shat my pants.

tonal shift/10
rawest shit ever. alear is literally better than every fire emblem protagonist. she is guiding by the emblems. alear is goku basically. same character arc. same character. same power level. alear is guided by two things. the emblems. and god. i love you alear.

the four wings i love when they are like "i died" and then they fucking come again
and again
and again
and again

i miss generic mook villains

give me tom the bandit with a pregnant wife hes just fightin to get cash.

he ain't here.

shit's fucked up.

the first story ever written. michalis is actually a good character. that's cool.

marth is like roy but i care about him

jagen is insane.

you cannot beat gharnef. 7/10
this game has 1 scene. it's a very good scene. but it's 1 scene

good ending/10
rabbit racism is so sad. i almost forgot the characters were naked.

the part where it turns into sword art online was an insane plot twist.

creator's bunny suit fetish/10
lore dump. cool lore dump but lore dump./10

bethany was worth it
tied with advance wars 2. rachel is broken.

javier is broken.

it's advance wars 1. basically, that's about it. it's better i guess maybe idk

this one has the olaf town mission so it's above the other one. 7/10
the box art goes harder than the story. 7/10
ghetsis murdered a child on live tv. that was kind of insane. the gym leaders do something in gen 5. i thank them. it's so good that it might be a 7/10
stallion says the immortality machine gives him bad shits at some point.

stranger is a character objectively and i think it's incredible but i'm not sure. 7/10
kelik is probably the best and worst character ever written.

shon's character arc is literally written incorrectly. blazer was writing a character and was like "how do i prove this character has matured over the game."

his response?

i can't bring him.

what the fuck blazer

meemee gets sexually harassed by the main villain and aiai needs to become less of a beta-cuck to get his girlfriend back.

gongon punched a bomb out of a volcano hes a real thug for that. 7/10
the second best story ever made second to fire emblem conquest. shadow's sacrifice reminds me of attack on titans. i think. tails is braindead. like always. it is very funny VERY FUNNY 7/10
emily is a bitch

mike is a chad. chris is a chad. sam is a chad.

oh right the story.

the house exploding is hype as fuck

mike getting his hand stuck in a bear trap/10
advance wars./10
probably the best villain ever made. it's fucking braindead. 6.5
the villain is the final boss of this pokemon game. that's good. i don't care much though. 6.5/10
it's pokemon part 1. distortion world goes hard on mute. cyrus is alright. the game's story is average. 6/10
not sure if it qualifies as it barely has any story structure whatsoever. ?/10
nergal is a villain who is actually pretty good if they translated the game properly and 19xx wasn't the stupidest requirement in any game. god help fe7. /10
has like 3 good scenes. none of them have roy in them. 6/10

bern has a concept of a good villain group. they forgot the rest. it's alright though
the biggest mess ever made. I could write an entire review on this game alone. I could. I really could.

Blue Lions: shit pacing. I don't care. edelgard has wrath. help me. byleth holding hand scene made me literally cry of laughter on first playthrough rodridge is a lil pussy.

silver snow: shouldn't exist

golden deer: me thinking of things to do with claude in base game three houses

me thought of something


crimson flower: edelgard character assassination. it's like the walhart arc in awakening but shit.

cindered showers: i dont care.

i dont fucking know /10

at least it's ambitious. that's a start.
see my review for mark of the assassin. at least nene and tyrea are here. 6/10
un needed. i dont need this/10
see the review for fire emblem fates conquest. except this one has like 15 endings. ?/10
this one should have a story but it just kinda doesn't. disappointment/10
it is probably the funniest story ever written. the crystal ball scene is an emotional masterpiece. the birdemic of fire emblem stories. ?/10
if you ignore half of this game, it's really good.

big big problem.

you can't

real life/10
i wish celica was in another game because she left her brain out of this one. rudolf is an ok plot point that also comes out of no where. 5.5/10
guzma is kinda funny. 5.5/10 there is a REAL antagonist.
there's an antagonist this time. 5/10
alfyn's story is great

h'aanit is great

primrose is good as is focus unparalled guy

fuck everyone else

?/10 peak fiction in someone's mind
they made a joke about lysandre doing the holocost in a rap battle and that's all that i remember 3/10
douse yourself in lava
there is no antagonist. 3/10
2 good cases. that's it. i hate everyone. except sakura oogami. you got oo get the fuck out of danganronpa 1.

why is it so bad.

oh i got it

it's danganronpa.

get fucked/10
3/10 chairman rose gets better from twilight wings but still spawns out of fucking no where and does nothing
2/10. please let me out. it's in theory better than the other fates games but it just feels disrespectful.


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