play these games you dumb bitch (me, to myself)

i made this before i found out about the wishlist function now im in too deep

stressful resource management, very good
i tried this during release but i didn't get very far, i remember being annoyed i could use the mp3 player while trekking, but i like the vibe it gave the delivery stations to just chill out and put on Pop Virus by Gen Hoshino, take a shower and then chug 6 monster energy drinks in a row before checking my in-game emails. so i appreicate it on that level i guess? idk, i'd like to play it again one day, seems real interesting, mechanically
played through this with a friend online via the master chief collection on steam and lol, this game sure does not like being played huh?

had weird crashes several times a session with no obvious fixes as we tried to drag this game kicking and screaming through a disjointed and fractured campaign who's scripting always seemed like it was on the verge of just falling apart completely? like whats up with those wait times between enemy waves, it always took -just- long enough for you to think something in the game broke before finally loading in more dudes for you to shoot.

luckily when there are dudes to shoot and cars to drive and stuff it feels like, yaknow, good, so whatever, no big deal that the whole thing kind of feels like its held together by duct tape.

arbiters cool tho
always been interested in trying out the touhou series, but never got around to it, until i found a convenient way to play them all, so like, why the hell not?

besides that ronald mcdonald song from that one youtube video from like 2006 was really good, maybe thats in this game too.


it was not, this game isn't even a bullet hell?? which was interesting to find out, a weird breakout style game, kinda fun, might go back to it in the future.

hella bad flashing lights tho when you use the special bomb item, so like, extreme epilepsy warning
thats more like it, this game fucking rips


update: game's pretty alright, but the part of me that desires to push through difficult games for the hell of it has been excised out of me, so i kinda cheesed my way through the final boss and the secret ultra hard level for sickos, neat game
surprisingly really well executed? like dang, this game rules, if youre hankering for a good 3v3 fighting game this one aint a bad choice


2 years ago

hey you should play these games you dumb bitch

2 years ago

unfortunately that idea's currently on indefinite hiatus, please refer to my other list for details:

1 month ago

You made this list many years ago. So I am obliged to ask: have you played any of these games?

1 month ago

thats a fair question lol. i just went down this list and did a tally. i played 20 of them, and out of those 20, i finished like, 11

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