play these games you dumb bitch (me, to myself)

i made this before i found out about the wishlist function now im in too deep

i am a singular ant walking across a vast corpse

i have been beaten numb by the sheer length of the whole thing, but yeah its good, i'm gonna go watch all of nichijou to recover and then not touch a video game for like 4 months
god will never allow me to play this game and i spit in his face for it
not the regular dusk, but this is the stand-in for Dusk '82, the action/puzzler demake thats inspired by Chip's Challenge and Sokoban
i fucking hate this game
"so stop playing it?"
this expansion is immediately so much better, its unreal, what the hell?? this rules
mechanically this expansion fucking shines, writing-wise, this expansion is fuckinggggg terrible lol
yeah this is pretty alright. idk seems like a lot of work wading through a bunch of bullshit to get to the point where the narrative is just consistently Fine

but then ya hit that last 20% of the expansion and its like oh whoaa, payoff and pathos and it finally crosses that finish line to becoming actually really good
i decided that i cant just play this, i have to take a sabbatical from the msq and go and do uh, literally all the other content of the game first and level up every job and experience every pre-endwalker thing i can before i can let myself play endwalker so i can

i dont fucking know, have the fullest experience or something? idk dude i really dont. fucking nightmare idea. anyway then elden ring came out and my life has not known peace since so ill get around to playing this in about a decade or so
had a fun time with this for about 18 hours, which is when i finally succeeded in completing my first actual run, and then i never picked it back up again. and honestly i think i'm fine with that, but its a cute game for sure.
first monster hunter game back in college, was extremely confused about everything the entire time, didn't help that i mained the hunting horn

think i got to the barroth or khezu or something before i gave up, would love to go back to it someday, hopefully the emulation scene has the servers up and running
i'm pretty sure this doesn't exist anymore
i miss toad's n64 era voice, it was cute
they let the Phantasy Star Online Guy make the awful nightmare video game equilvalent of those algorithmically-generated fever dream children's videos on youtube, and honestly? its kind of a vibe
having a good time with this so far, good podcast game, been listening to Friends at the Table's Marielda season during it, though i got to the part in both the game and the show where i had to start paying actual attention to both and i'm a bit sad to say that i can't really do both at the same time anymore, alas


2 years ago

hey you should play these games you dumb bitch

2 years ago

unfortunately that idea's currently on indefinite hiatus, please refer to my other list for details:

1 month ago

You made this list many years ago. So I am obliged to ask: have you played any of these games?

1 month ago

thats a fair question lol. i just went down this list and did a tally. i played 20 of them, and out of those 20, i finished like, 11

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