Sorting my ratings by sentiment

Sentiment is a new type of indicator of how much someone likes/dislikes a game. It is simply the distance between the person's rating and the average rating.

This is a collection of some of my ratings, sorted by sentiment. It changes as the average rating changes, so it may not always be correct.

(I won't include games with <10 ratings)



1 month ago

I've been wanting to make a list like this for a long time! Great idea. I just have like... 600 games I'd have to do it for... hahaha

1 month ago

@TimAlien yeah, it would be nice to have this as some sort of implemented sort option because it's a bit tedious to do manually. i decided to start with the most positive/negative sentiments i could find though, and those i think are probably the most interesting

1 month ago

love this concept! very interested in the determining factors, i often rate via sentimentality/based on emotion so it feels like a fun exercise :)

1 month ago

@01156 thank you! to be clear, I rate games 6+ if I enjoyed them to any degree, 5 if I'm feeling basically indifferent, and 4- if I had a bad experience. the reasoning beyond that is fuzzy even to me, but calculating this score I'm calling sentiment might reflect something deeper, but it's not something I ever considered before making this list

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