300 Games Bucket List

Inspired by Weatherby's "250 Retro Bucket List" ( https://www.backloggd.com/u/Weatherby/list/250-retro-bucket-list/ ), I did not limit my list to Retro games. One reason is because due to some quirks of how my life went, there was a period of about 10 years I couldn't really buy any new consoles (or a new PC), so my list of played games actually skews somewhat older to begin with. Plus I have so many games I want to play I didn't feel the need to limit myself. The basics of the list are the same: 300 games that I want to play before I kick that ol' bucket.

The first page, or Top 100, is the Top 100 games on this list I want to play, but there isn't any order within that Top 100. And while the games aren't in any super specific order besides that, I did try to make it overall aesthetically pleasing, or have some mini-themes here or there.

I'm rather undetermined in what I'll do as I actually beat these games. My first thought is to remove them to the list and do, IDK, a "Bucket List Games Completed" list while replacing it with a new game, which makes it a bit of an unending bucket list (given, after all, new games always be coming out). But maybe that's too much. But just leaving a game here after finishing it feels odd to me. What do you guys think?

I tried to avoid any games that were unreleased, or that I had what felt like "substantial" progress in, since that didn't jive with my mental image of what this bucket list is for. Funny enough, I got too far into Fire Emblem Engage to put it on, even though it was a game I thought of when making this list. Live A Live also would have been in the Top 100 if I hadn't started it already.

Later, I might I'll note down what systems the games first released on (or something) to show off that spread, and maybe which ones I actually have access to.


I've wanted to play this since Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Lots of days with my Gamecube checking if Tales of Symphonia, Path of Radiance or Wario World were available. Somehow I never had any of them!


The lack of Supports makes me nervous to put this in the Top 100.


This game seemingly being so ignored after Freedom Planet 1 got so much attention makes me sad.


NitroRad's review of the Frogger series was a great listen, and made me want to play through the Frogger games he showed off out of curiousity (outside of probably the first two). This is the one that really stuck out though, since it seemed like a triumphant last hurray.

I do recommend checking out the video series! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaMAHLti0R_lhab2CnpinyMPXV9MBo2B_


The Little Tail Bronx games and how much the devs have been working at it for decades is so cool man



Also the sequel, but given they were one game cut in half due to size limits I'mma just put the first on. The first boy I had a crush on was a huge Golden Sun fan and it was always a fun looking RPG for the GBA, one of my favorite systems, too bad Dark Dawn sounds like a flop.



My favorite song (not in video game soundtracks, but in general) is from the Gran Turismo 4 sound track, so I gotta play it sometime.



A game series I've had a big eye on due to a friend who played them back in the day and have always wanted to play. The original .Hack games would be fun as well.


This and Analogue are the two games on here I feel most nervous mentioning really wanting to play but damn if they haven't embedded themselves in my mind palace of thought.


isn't this like the coolest cover art


We do, in fact, need more demon girls in fancy suits.


One of the most difficult of these to play I wager, because I've heard emulating this game can be wonky, but that art style man! This is one of those truly unique DS game that shows why people should respect Nintendo hardware from different angles.








wtf yoshitaka amanao combined with the persona guys to make a tactical RPG and NOBODY fucking talks about it??


port this game to the switch already come on



Few game series were as important to me in my formative years without really playing the entries than Kingdom Hearts. While my RPing first began with Pikmin roleplay on GameFAQs, around the time I wanted to become a writer happened when I started doing Kingdom Hearts RP offsite.

The only game I had as a kid was Chain of Memories, but I knew so much about the plot it was very easy to follow. The theories for the post-game trailer were fun and intense. I ended up being right about Xigbar when Birth by Sleep happened.

So KH1/2 are basically requirements for me to play one day.

BTW, Chain of Memories is actually a really good game with a cool plot. Just make sure to play the GBA version, not the Re: version. The Re version breaks the game.


Eternal Echo of the Thrilling Tour-our-our is one of the best boss themes in a while.


I keep debating between this and the original, though.

Marx Soul's scream is the DS sequel to the great Neo Ridley scream from the GBA.


With how much I enjoyed MML1 and have been deep into Mega Man lore, this is a game it'd be a crime for me to not play at some point.

This being left on a cliffhanger makes me so fucking sad.


Yes this is a Mega Man X game that is on here for some story reasons.




Hot Take: I actually prefer the controller aim of Metroid Prime 1/2 to the more Wiimote / Gyro aiming of the Trilogy. This is also true for the Pikmin games, where the New Play Control versions makes it utterly inferior in that case due to the lack of a C-Stick. This is a good part of why Echoes is on here, but Corruption is currently not.

Echoes also just seems pretty fun and has some kinda unique twists and Metroid Prime was great so.


Not gonna lie, a big reason this is on here is the Yugioh monster: https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Nanobreaker


A combination of a predominately female design staff and the visual designs drew me into this game and has given me a burning desire to see this Dreamcast hidden gem.


the world ends with us fans have been STARVING




less bien




This honestly sounds like a bit of a divisive game to me but also I've been waiting for No More Heroes 3 for 11 years between NMH2's end and NMH3's announcement so how could it not be on here?


The DS had a LOT of games on it due to its massive, massive success, and that included a lot of under the radar RPGs. When I got a new computer capable of DS play, I went searching through the entire DS library for what I wanted to play.

gyoza/iyellatcloud's review of this game when looking at this game at the time got me curious about it, and then looking it up further it made it look like it might be a bit of a Hidden Gem. It's been on my mind since then.





Way back when Operation Rainfall was a Thing, this was the game of the three that really interested me. While Xenoblade Chronicles has unsurprisingly been the one that went on to great success, Pandora's Tower nonetheless sticks to me in a way that makes me really want to play it.





This is actually a game I have some complicated feelings about. It looks like it has a lot of style, but the story really seemed like it disappointed me and lacked some of the depth in 3 or even 4. But I also haven't played it, so judging it that way seems quite unfair. This is a 100+ Hour RPG, and I sure ain't seen my way through it.

Plus leaving all of that aside, it is Persona fuckin' 5. Persona 3 is one of my favorite games ever and has one of the best stories in gaming. Persona 4 is still a 10/10 game for me, even if it has more flaws. And Persona 5's critical reception has been MASSIVELY positive. It would be impossible for me to not be excited for and want to play it, even if I am skeptical.

Also not sure if Royal is even the better version tbh but such is life.


Look, I know this game is supposed to be bad, but the idea be hind it legitimately seems cool and I'm curious to see if it feels like something that could be expanded on.


Pikmin is one of my favorite game series and TBH the fact this is one of the first Switch games I purchased but have yet to finish it is kind of criminal.

I can't freaking wait for Pikmin 4!


This is on here over the normal Wooly World because it is the one I can actually play.


I've wanted this game since it come out and it hasn't changed.

Nintendo, I'd love to see you make a new Punch-Out. It'd be so easy to treat each Joycon as a fist for punching with motion controls. Do it, you cowards.


I feel like the expanded, Perfect Historia version kind of misses the point of the original to a point. And also while I actually don't MIND the new designs per se (in fact, I'd say I enjoy them enough), they're so much less unique and not AS good. I mean just compared the first to the second here.



Also, seriously, this game has some PEAK designs. Just look at Viola!



I first heard about this game because Soul Eater referenced it in an attack name, and as I recall ZUN likes it as well.

Every since then, the name "Radiant Silvergun" has stuck in my head and made it a top shmup for me to want to check out.


Does this game have one of the coolest art styles in recent memory or what?


A game I totally would have never heard about if not for websites like this. But it sure seems to have a lot of Vibes and when I was a kid, I thought Ridge Racer 64 was good but kinda wanted "Ridge Racer 64 But Better". So.



This is one of those games I anticipate isn't necessarily amazing, but will just be a good time and has a very appealing art style. To be totally honest, I absolutely love going through those 7-8/10 games with heart, so this has personal appeal to me.

This game getting so many disparate sequels also is rather interesting.


Definitely one of those games I heard about as a teenager and has been stuck in my brain for a while.


It feels very Sega to produce a hit Tactical RPG at a time RPGs are on the rise, soon to hit their zenith, be one of the system's highest selling games, which is also critically lauded, and not even try to ever bring it overseas. Sony, you've got a hand in it too for blocking its PSP release for no reason.

I think at this point the sheer number of games in this style means it'd be safe to release it. Like, this was according to Sega their MOST expensive product to make at the time, and you don't even try to recoup some money on translation and sales? When it would surely cost much less than production?

Thank god for the fan translation.


This game's striking visual style instantly drew me to it, dark and gothic with a touch of Lovecraft and an overall aesthetic that gives me some "drabber Persona 3" vibes (yes I know this game came first, I'm just making a comparison). The Judgement Ring system also sounds like a twisto n the timed hits of Legend of Dragoon or Paper Mario and with how much I love Paper Mario's timed hits that gives me a nice gameplay incentive.


I feel like I need to play this game, even if I don't think I will enjoy it. I hate Black Doom and the retcons his existence makes to Shadow the Hedgehog, man. And I dislike the fact that, for SOME REASON, they didn't let Shadow the Hedgehog's creator and writer for his scenarios be involved in this game?

I will say I don't think the core idea is as bad as people say. The multiple path idea is actually a potentially great idea to get the replayability SA1/2 wanted without multiple characters. I'm honestly not opposed to Shadow using guns.

But ultimately it makes me sad because while Sonic '06 was the killshot (and Sega had from day one had Issues), Shadow feels like what really killed the style of Sonic games I was intrigued by for quite a while. It lost the audience and made Heroes go from "a small misstep" to "start of a worrying trend". And it felt like it showed Sega had no idea what they were doing (true).


Why is the Shining series so shafted? Despite having like 25 games, I feel like it hasn't been advertised in ages, it has a bunch of Japanese-only games, I feel like this series got left in the dust by Sega (much like Camelot through their history) when it could have been something Bigger.

Anyway I only found out Shining was even a series by finding Shining Resonance Refrain on the eShop and at first thinking it was, like, some cool indie or AA RPG and then googling it. It looks like a fun Tales-like RPG. I'm curious how good it may or may not be. Seems very anime.


Strange Journey's always been one of the mainline SMTs I had the most interest in, maybe because the neutral route feels like a fresh spin for the franchise, and that it might go for some more nuance than the series is already known for.

Redux feels like it ruins most of what I like from the original, especially with the neutral route.


Utena is my favorite anime so, like, yeah.




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