First Played in 2023, Ranked

Will be continually added to throughout the remainder of 2023.

Standalone reviews included in notes where applicable. Unrated games are unlisted.

Janky, infuriatingly hard, and a clear ripoff of Evangelion. Still manages to be interesting while forcing the player to learn every single gameplay mechanic if they want to have a chance at winning.
Not enough to say about this for a full review. A piece of vent art about the COVID-19 lockdowns in the early months that feels incredibly quaint three years into the same pandemic with no end in sight.


11 months ago

How did you link the review in your list? Is that a backer feature? I love it

11 months ago

@Tony_Hotdog Not a backer feature, thankfully! Just a combination of list notes and hyperlinks. You can do the same thing with any list you've made by:
1) Setting the list to grid mode
2) Hovering over the box art of your chosen game and clicking "Note"
3) Linking your review in the format of [TITLE] then (URL). I'm not sure what the Backloggd escape characters are, so in case the formatting gets messed up in this comment, here's an image showing the process.

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