Cool/Dumb/Scary Shit You Can Do In Games

Games are pretty neat. Sometimes you can sell someone on a game with one sentence. It can be simple as "You can pet the dog", but that's way too simple here. I want to see some video-game ass video-game shit you can do that makes you go "...woah."

No scripted sequences or cutscenes. Trying keep it to the primary gameplay sections, but can also include amusing Easter eggs or secrets. Crossovers will also be excluded since thats a list all on its own (that's been created by so many other people). And obviously I can't mention every single cool thing you can do in a single game, so for simplicity I'll only do one sentence a game. Suggestions will be welcomed.

You can turn either full beast mode with large claws, or turn into a cosmic, blue broccoli man with the right build.
Bravely Default
Bravely Default
You can pay enemies during combat to just fuck off
You can play in New Game Plus where most characters react to how absurdly overpowered you are all of a sudden.
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
You can recreate the ending of Planet of the Apes by taking a very specific perk at the beginning of the game and getting a specific ending at the end of the final DLC.
Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
You can instanly kill Kraid by using the bomb power up that you could only obtain at that point by utilizing a sequence break, and even comes with a unique cutscene.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
You can ride a lightning gorilla that shoots Kamehamehas out of its mouth
NEO: The World Ends with You
NEO: The World Ends with You
You can use telekinesis to crush enemies with a train.
You can use the toilet after eating to produce poop that can be used to make fertilizer.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
You can create a spell that makes every NPC character ragdoll on command (paralyze spell with 100 feet range)
The Wonderful 101: Remastered
The Wonderful 101: Remastered
You can turn a hundred heros into a giant hand bigger then a warehouse.
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition
You can polymorph a ancient witch of legendary infamy into a chicken
You can find and throw a bar of soap in every level that kills everything in one hit, no enemy or boss is immune to it.
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
You can ride the Disney teacups into battle and shred everything alive.
Octopath Traveler II
Octopath Traveler II
You can beat up every NPC to either learn skills from them or to straight up mug them of their belongings.
Turbo Overkill
Turbo Overkill
You can gib enemies with your Chainsaw leg.
Wild Guns Reloaded
Wild Guns Reloaded
You can play as a dog that rides on a flying drone that comes with a machine gun.
Amid Evil: The Black Labyrinth
Amid Evil: The Black Labyrinth
You can power up your fists to the point that you rapid punch as fast and frantic as a JoJo stand.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
You can fight enemies with rubber boots that squeak with every step you take
You can ignite a bundle of dynamite with a lit molotov, and can then proceed to throw them both simultaneously.
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
You can own the haters by shooting yourself in the mouth.
(Suggestion by cowboyjosh)
You can perform a secret, ultra high-jump by performing a side somersault immediately after doing a slide jump.
Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2
You can see through people's eyes using clairvoyance where every NPC sees you as a different 2D image.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
You can give a letter intended to help find someone's missing bridegroom to a man stuck in a toilet in desperate need of paper for his dirty ass.
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
You can force every single NPC, boss, and enemy to dance with the Groovitron
​The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors
​The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors
You can play as an enormous mech, bigger then most bosses, that transforms into a walking turret with a gatling gun; whereas every other character is more human sized.
Touhou Luna Nights
Touhou Luna Nights
You can throw knives while time is frozen, where you can then stand on the knives suspended in mid-air as makeshift platforms.
Fable II
Fable II
You can become a landlord that gives reasonable cost of living


"You can punch a guy with a fist the size of a bus made out of your hair while shooting them with your high heel guns."
(Suggestion and full quote by cowboyjosh)


God Hand
God Hand
You can kick people straight into orbit


You can punch the shotgun shells to make them go faster and explode.


V.A Proxy
V.A Proxy
You can parry a nuclear explosion.
(Game in development)


Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
You can get so wealthy for being a successful buisnessman that you own a orbital laser


Aero Fighters 2
Aero Fighters 2
"You can play as a dolphin flying a jet fighter and blow up the World Trade Center" This game came out in 1994
(Suggestion and full quote by DJSCheddar)


Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing
You can pay off your mortgage under no time limit or interest


Deltarune: Chapter 2
Deltarune: Chapter 2
You can exploit a certain shmup section that allows you to rapid fire charge shots. Instead of patching this out, they made the boss get pissed at you doing this, making it deal way more damage.


Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
You can jump on downed enemies and surf on across the battlefield while spinning and shooting your guns.
(Suggestion by DeltWDunn)


Dokapon Kingdom: Connect
Dokapon Kingdom: Connect
You can sell your soul to the devil if you get stuck in last place for too long.


Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem 3D
You can shrink any enemy with the Shrinker, where you can then proceed to stomp them for an instant kill.


"You can throw and then immediately slo-mo and shoot grenades in mid-air for early explosions."
(Suggestion and full quote by Drax)


Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
You can have Edge, the Ninja, throw a spoon at an enemy and deal the max damage possible.


Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics
You can kill using the mathematics magic


Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
You can suplex a train.


Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
You can use the solidified onomatopoeias dropped by an enemy's death screams as giant weapons.


Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
"You can prevent a whole mission from happening by driving the car of your target before you see him to 8-Ball Autos and installing a vehicle bomb so he blows up when getting into the car."
(Suggestion and full quote by paqgamer)


You can shoot a charged shot downwards for a double jump that allows for some sequence breaking.
(Suggestion by DeltaWDunn)


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
You can "Put Peter Pan in his place!" (Had to make at least one exception)


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
You can kill a boss by not playing the game for a whole week and let them die of old age.


"You can send a tornado barreling down the track at your enemies."
(Suggestion and full quote by Vee)


Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden
Inzuna Drop


"You can pee on your enemies, and in the dog island you can bark at gorillas and other animals so loud they pass out"
(Suggestion and full quote by moschidae)


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
You can choose to become a walking swarm of man-eating bugs.


Postal 2
Postal 2
"You can drop donuts on the floor and cops will eat them, and if you pee on the donut, they'll puke after eating them."
(Suggestion and full quote by paqgamer)


You can shoot a rocket at your feet to launch yourself much farther and higher then intended, in other words Rocket Jumping.
(Suggestion by DeltaWDunn)


Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
You can suplex an enemy so hard their head explodes like a pumpkin.


RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
You can create your own Saw death traps


Serious Sam 3: BFE
Serious Sam 3: BFE
"You can decapitate a Khnum, the game's strongest enemy, with the mutilator (a laser lasso) between two players on co-op."
(Suggestion and full quote by paqgamer)


Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
You can fight on a stone bird the size of an airplane over a lake with only a bow and a small sword.
(Suggestion by Drax)


Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
You can attempt to kidnapped demons to your party that, and I quote, "is most effective when used by an adult or adolescent demon on a child target."


"You can reenact that one scene from Hard Boiled where you belly-flop onto a cart and mow down everyone in your way."
(Suggestion and full quote by Drax)


"You can slice bullets mid-air with your katana."
(Suggestion and full quote by Drax)


Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario
You can refuse to put on a space helmet while in space and get a instant game over for being so stubborn.


The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
You can turn cars into improvised boxing gloves, as well as using cars as skateboards.
(Suggestion by ProudLittleSeal)


Twisted Metal 2
Twisted Metal 2
"You can blow up the Eiffel Tower"
(Suggestion by Vee)


Ultima VII: The Black Gate
Ultima VII: The Black Gate
You can cast the Armageddon spell that literally kills everything in the world and creates a dead game


"You can mutate dogs to have wings, extra legs, bigger bodies and tiny heads among other wacky evil scientist stuff; and you can extend a dog's lifetime by feeding them the core of another dead dog."
(Suggestion and full quote by paqgamer)


7 months ago

You can surf on enemies while spinning around and shooting in DMC 3.
In Iconoclasts, shooting a charge shot downward is basically a double jump that allows some sequence breaking and early unlocks.
Lots of FPS games have stuff like missile riding or explosion boosts, the main one I'm aware of is Quake where you can gain extra height off of an explosion.

I'll comment more things if I think of them.

7 months ago

@DeltaWDunn All three added. Can't believe I forgot to add Rocket Jumping. Very few things more video-game then that.

7 months ago

In Bayonetta you can punch a guy with a fist the size of a bus made out of your hair while shooting them with your high heel guns.

7 months ago

@cowboyjosh. Added. Action games in general kind of have an unfair advantage with this list, but I don't mind.

7 months ago

Agreed it's kind of low-hanging fruit. How about this one: in Disco Elysium you can die of despair!

(Also great list btw)

7 months ago

@cowboyjosh No joking I was in the middle of adding Disco Elysium. My pick is slightly different, but what the Hell, I'll credit you anyway. Also thank you the kind words.

7 months ago

In okami you can pee on your enemies and in the dog island you can bark at gorillas and other animals so loud they pass out

7 months ago

@moschidae Well I didn't want any "You can pet the dog" suggestions, but I wasn't ready for "You can pee as the dog" ones.

7 months ago

Oh sorry, i didnt take that as you didnt want any dog game related suggestions. Both are 'combat' mechanics though, youre very encouraged to pee on everything in okami

7 months ago

@moschidae Oh no, no. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I did add your suggestion. "Petting the dog" is something cute to do in a game, but isn't very "video-gamey" in that it's a thing you can do easily in real life. Being able to to pee on command as a dog is some silly ass video-game shit that I love.

7 months ago

Superhot: You can slice bullets in mid-air with your katana.

FEAR: You can throw and then immediately slo-mo and shoot grenades in mid-air for early explosions.

Metal Gear Solid 3: This (obvious spoiler alert)

Strangehold: You can reenact that one scene from Hard Boiled where you belly-flop onto a cart and mow down everyone in your way.

Shadow of the Colossus: The entirety of the Avion fight

7 months ago

@Drax Added them all except for MGS 3 as it's already on the list and I'm only keeping it to one Cool/Dumb/Scary thing a game. Admittedly that would be on the list otherwise, caused that's funny as Hell.

7 months ago

Here's a fun one - Hulk: Ultimate Destruction lets you both turn cars into boxing gloves and use cars as skateboards.

7 months ago

@ProudLittleSeal Added. That's a pretty sick one, not going to lie.

7 months ago

In Nascar Rumble you can send a tornado barreling down the track at your enemies.

In Twisted Metal 2 you can blow up the eiffel tower (this actually sold me on the game when I watched a video in a demo disc as a kid lol, so I think it deserved to be mentioned)

7 months ago

In Aero Fighters 2 you can play as a dolphin flying a jet fighter and blow up the World Trade Center

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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7 months ago

@DJSCheddar Err... Checks notes Oh OK it's a '94 game. Sure works for me.

@Vee Added. Honestly a lot of racing games seem to have some of the more wackier things you can do in games, but because they've been around for so long you kind of forget how silly they actually are unless you stop and think about it for a sec.

7 months ago

In Serious Sam 3 you can decapitate a Khnum, the game's strongest enemy, with the mutilator (a laser lasso) between two players on co-op.

In Wobbledogs you can mutate dogs to have wings, extra legs, bigger bodies and tiny heads among other wacky evil scientist stuff. And you can extend a dog's lifetime by feeding them the core of another dead dog.

In GTA 3 you can prevent a whole mission from happening by driving the car of your target before you see him to 8-Ball Autos and installing a vehicle bomb so he blows up when getting into the car.

And this is more of a nasty thing, but in Postal 2 you can drop donuts on the floor and cops will eat them, and if you pee on the donut, they'll puke after eating them.

7 months ago

@paqgamer I'll put that Postal 2 thing under "Dumb", so yeah it counts! Everything else is added too, so thank you.
Never heard of Wobbledogs though, sounds like some Shin Megami demon fusion shit but with dogs. Or maybe it's more silly then that.

7 months ago

@AlphaOne2 Wobbledogs is a "3D pet simulation". Basically a sandbox where you raise dogs and mutate them by feeding them certain foods and crossing them. It's a weird game.

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