The WORST Fanbases in Gaming

Someone had to say it.

If this seems like some sort of topical joke to you, it's not. This is serious business.

NES fans when the worst RPG you've ever played in your life turns on
Shoot em up for twitter anime pfps.
Zeroranger is right there bro come onnnnnn
Pretentious bullshit. Maybe shill a Metroidvania that's actually fun to play next time.
This was all a trick go like this review please it's way funnier than anything I could write on this subject.
Wario for Zelda fans (so worse, somehow)
Mario fans getting one drop of creativity in the vast desert that is their tentpole mid franchise (must be the most imaginative game ever made)
Sonic 2 fans when bad game design!!!!
Unfunny meme for people who fixate on zero-dimensional cartoon characters.
"one man's trash is another man's treasure" no pal. You want me to play trash by Treasure. There's a very big difference in those two statements.
Mega Man X fans playing their second game with level design in it: "hmmm... getting some real MMX Intro vibes here..."
Skinner box slop. Maybe shill a Metroidvania where there's an actual point to your journey in the world next time.
Why does everyone say final fantasy six is the easiest one and it’s so easy? crap? it is not true, its not an easy game! it must be the hardest one! even pixel remaster mode is so damn hard! F U IMPERIAL AIR FORCE!!!! U RUIN EVERYTHING MAKING IT A NEAR IMPOSSIBLE GAME IF U WANT ALL UNITS AND NONE OF THEM DEAD!!! (like me :(
Probably responsible for Sans x Onceler art so bad game and bad fanbase
(Part 2? 1????)
Game for violent individuals who want to destroy local marine ecosystems.
Ur fave jobs to Dalton lmao
babe go back to bed, nintendo youtuber platform slop just dropped
I cannot forgive any fanbase that would allow the phrase "Kirby's Fun Pak" to remain in the public consciousness.
"So if you're going to use Fee, her mathematically best father is Noish because he gives strength alongside his skills, so just drag this useless cav around the whole game and-" Counterpoint I hate him. Stop talking to me. I don't care.
Dude cool it with that, no one cares what random ass game boy game you decided to hyperfixate on today
Okay look we all know this is the best Pokemon gen, but you dont have to be that toxic about it
Maybe if people realized Kiddy Kong was the only good character in this farcical series, 3 wouldn't be on here. Alas.
STOP CALLING THIS THE MEME GAME!! It is a CRITICAL TURNING POINT in the Mega Man X narrative where Zero grapples with his VERY PURPOSE and-
At the very least I admire the courage to admit this series is so shit that you can safely pick this travesty as your favorite.
Oh my Hylia! When fans of this game said it was dreamlike I didn't know that included me falling asleep!
No, you see, when you're fighting all lance users with only sword units in the first chapter, that's supposed to symbolize how Leif- don't care buddy the game still sucks.
Wario fans looking at the most timewasting platform challenges ever conceived on the table:
idk it's paper mario so it's probably annoying too
You were brainwashed into liking the Chao Garden.
Wario was never a funny joke lol
I dunno man I'm not starting beef with the incomprehensible nightmare fandom. But I know they suck.
Falcom game. What more needs to be said?
Kinda like if Mario Sunshine was by and for MCU fans
Imagining tryharding in fucking Mario Kart. How little dignity can one person even have
waa waa a gif hurt ur feelings NO ONE CARES
"yeah i want an ace attorney with no moe curls" statements devised by the utterly insane
"Oh, pwease be nice to everyone else in the game, we want all the players to feel valued and welcome to our community" Baby participation trophy bullshit. Pass.
None of you Suda simps warned me about all the annoying ass side characters, can we just get someone to kill the useless love interest, brother, and fellow assassin please?
Fuck off, capitalist pigs.
Every smash game is here in spirit lol
But you all failed to carry on BIGIKEFAN7000's legacy with more deranged gimmick accounts so as a punishment Brawl bears this cross.
Kiddy Kong > Funky Kong
Dude, what the fuck even is this?
Artistic violence
I am NOT arguing with a CoolMathGames fan! Go finish your homework 🤣🤣🤣🤣
wow, picking the runner up best gen of pokemon sure is a fastest of 8 turtles situation, isnt it? or well i guess you fought for your right to choose the slowest in this case lmaooooo
Artistic looks super fuckin ugly
You fucks are gonna have that IGN Party Babyz review engraved on your damn tombstones, tell me I'm wrong.
So goated of EA to toss this in the trash where it belongs, RIP bozos lmao
Kiddie shit. Why isn't Mario killing Fawful with his own two hands.
Added too much edge to the Galaxy formula that all the fanboys think is sooooo awesome. Why are we trying to look so cool and mature? It's a Mario game. If it's not fun, why bother?
Doesn't fix enough of the flaws of FE3 (which is a bad game btw)
just another terribly designed game to attract the "git gud" morons, move along.
Make a mod. Cut Waluigi, add Kefka. Final offer or your game is still shit.
Artistic BORING! Both versions!
r/stunfisk users be funny challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!)
You guys really need to start owning the fact you killed Waluigi, I'm gonna be honest.
Promotes thoughtless popping of balloons with no regards for noise pollution or cleaning the litter.
Very problematic game and fanbase
dear liberal, if game so good, how come slightly bad aliasing on sprites?

imagine gassing up an rpg that lasts like 8 hours. maybe if these alphadream idiots learned how to pace a damn game they wouldn't have gone bankrupt.
Artistic violence (because it makes rayman origins seem pointless)
ALMOST CHRISTMAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS eat your hamburgers apollo eat your hamburgers apollo eat your hamburgers apollo DAE turnabout big top... b-b-bad??????????????
Gamers seeing the most generic pixel game to ever exist. Good thing I dipped before checking out the rest of this dev's dreadful catalog.
85 dollars for mid please!!!
proof we live in the worst timeline because coomer bullshit Goodra got voted into this game instead of Scrafty (the GOAT)
how it feels to find out people would rather listen to rap music than bang bing bing piss gurgle
Undertale fans will pretend every fuckup in this game is some deep statement and it's embarassing. I just want to fight the funny pink cat on my computer smh.
Reddit dog game.
baby's first peak fiction
"woah bro best game ive ever played in my life" This is a book. Dumbfuck.
Created Alolan Ninetales, and in turn, the worst abbreviation to ever exist.

A9. Oh how should we abbrevate alol-uhn nine-tales. Yeah, ay nine seems great. Where are the tails. Like ninetales. And im supposed to know one is the region and the other is the pokemon?

I don't care that you Unite players live in a godless land with no Arcanine, you know, Arca NINE.
Opening my files is also not a game. Nice try cat pfps.
I've seen those balloons. You are all assholes.
wait why are you guys saying that about the church? thats mean :(
has a bit too much of a "Pizza Tower" vibe to the fandom

game for people who do drugs
How can you support a fan creator vocally in favor of putting more Fire Emblem into the world?
Touhou fans and Metroidvania fans. Finally, two nuisances at once!
Break free from the shackles of Nintendo, Mario level makers.
You can pick out any discourse from today and get a better one liner than anything I can put in here.
im retroing out broooooooooooo
"Kill the part of you that cringes" oh no no no. You thought you were onto something but that little elf gremlin is so bad your point is moot
Look, I know you don't like the change in gameplay style, but please let the new Paper Mario fans have fun with TTYD HD. It's the least you could do.
Pac-Man for the WOKE generation... with blue overalls and pronouns 🙄🙄🙄
Thought I found an indie game with a wholesome fanbase for once until they tricked me into playing Dragon Quest.
You hipsters are lucky dread was in the same year as this for that kotaku list bc that's the only metroid game bad enough to sink even below this game's level.
A third of this game was outdone by the shitty Touhou version. Great "masterpiece" you've got there guys
roguelike fan detected, opinion ignored
fanbase is too toxic about the radical shifts in the franchise. let splatoon do somethin new ffs
Dudes when they find out the game they specifically got to replicate bad games is bad.
Unbelievable amounts of coping on this one.
Deltarune fans when they see a virus in their email (NOWS THEIR CHANCE TO BE A [BIG SHOT]?????????)


2 months ago

Wise not to draw the ire of the Pikmin fans

2 months ago

"Ur fave jobs to Dalton lmao"
but my fav is magus
checkmate atheist

2 months ago

comment how many games you've played from this list, i've played 33

2 months ago


2 months ago


2 months ago

46. Also are you sure you want the Mario Maker 2 level makers to break free? I've seen what they've made they should stay in there.

2 months ago

Best part about April fools is discovering the April 1'st posts 4 days later and taking even longer than you would have to realize it's a joke

2 months ago

C+ tier bait not enough hate in your heart

2 months ago

forgot about the vile Lego Island fans

2 months ago


2 months ago

44. i respect the commitment to the bit!

1 month ago


1 month ago

i wish you advertised it as the destroyer of mid inspired series of decent one liners it is instead of "worst fanbases" baitslop because it's better than i thought it would be

1 month ago

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1 month ago

Dude was spitting in the beginning of the list, then turned into DestroyerOfMid

1 month ago

“Bing bing wahoo who gives a shit” really got me howling
I have played exactly 50 of these. I am the centrist of gaming

1 month ago

Geno? Like the guy who works at my local pizzeria?

1 month ago

10/10, one of the best lists on the entire site by a country mile XD

also, in terms of the amount here that I've played, it's 26/100 for me :D

1 month ago

nice low quality bait

1 month ago

Skinner box slop is insane this list fucking rocks

1 month ago

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