my top 100 favorite games

top 25 are 5.0/5.0s, 26-80 are 4.5/5.0s, and 81-100 are 4.0/5.0s.

do i need to say "this is my opinion, not touting this as objective fact, etc. etc."? do i need to do that. can we all just be adults. actually fuck it i'm right about everything. anyways thanks for reading xx

last update: 6/17/2024

start of the 4.5/5.0s
end of the 4.5/5.0s
4.0/5.0 onwards


What are your reasons for including FFIV over any of the other games? I get the appeal for XII or Tactics but I saw the trailer for IV and thought it looked boring. What's your reason?

3 years ago

my reason is that i like it

i'm sorry if that sounds snarky or snide but it's just a really good JRPG that i greatly enjoy and maybe if i replay it i'll give it a comprehensive review beyond the like two sentence blurb i gave it.

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