Top 100 fave game

Top 100 game



Just consider this a combo of OG and remake


Havent played DQ11S but it's probably the preferable version (shame the ps4 port has switch visuals)
Mike Z is cringe
Need to play the remaster
-Including Torna DLC in this
Im including Future Redeemed in this spot since I think both are of equal standing for the purpose of this list.
Accounts for Gen 5 as a whole. I like B/W and the sequels about the same.
Have yet to have played the remastered
General ranking of the shovel knight modes would go
Specter of Torment > Shovel of Hope > King of Cards > Plague of Shadows
Accounts for the entirety of the VN, not just answer (although the answer arcs are generally better)

1 Comment

1 year ago

Remaster of SMT III is a bit mixed. Got some quality of life features and voice acting, but it also has a number of visual issues.

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