Top 100 Games I Want to Play

I figured I would curate a list of the games I am most interested in playing. It's sorta like a before you die type list, but without the morbidity! I more so wanted to construct a personal list that showcased the games I am actually most interested in playing overall out of my huge wishlist and backlog. The only rule is the game has to be already released so nothing like Silksong or Sea of Stars will be present. I most likely plan to play though when they launch anyhow. These are games that even if I don't prioritize them before other things in my life, stand above the rest as the ones I am most eager to play. Whether that is for historical reasons, experimentation, or just a good feeling that I am going to really enjoy it. Any questions or comments, leave them below please!

Currently Completed: 13 out of 100


2 years ago

This is a pretty nice list of games to play one day. I've only played like 25 out of these but there's at least 50 games from the remaining 75 that I want to play one day too.

2 years ago

Yeah it took quite a while to curate something I was pleased with honestly! I definitely got lots to look forward to though!

11 months ago

Wait a minute you played Aria of Sorrow and White 2!

11 months ago

@Star6Wars1 There I updated it you goober!

11 months ago

@Doaks hehe thanks.

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