Favourite Games/Seymour-core

All the games I can say I love, organized into tiers
All the games I rate an 8/10 or higher based on my enjoyment of them and appreciation of their qualities
If a game I played is not here, I don't love it (I probably just think it's okay)

Top 20 or so (my peak games that I love too much to give a rating)
Other absolute favs (my 9/10s)
Other favs (my 8.5/10s)
Runner ups/honourable mentions (my 8/10s)

X Tier
My absolute favourite games of all time :)
Also basically unrated games I don't want to assign a number to
There's only about 20 or so of these (read notes on specific spots further down to see the other tiers)
including Blaze Black / Volt White 2
including Blaze Black / Volt White
9/10 Tier
A pool of my other absolute favourite games of all time. I cherish all of these deeply despite their shortcomings. Somewhat loosely ordered.
including Renegade Platinum
8.5/10 Tier
I love the games in this tier but they're not as uniquely my absolute favourites overall. I have more problems with these on average. This tier is VERY loosely ordered.



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