top 100 fave games

This is my personal Hall of Fame, the games that I had the overall best and most memorable experiences with. This is a ranked list and will be ever-changing as I play more bangers 🔥🍳👨‍🍳

The qualities that appeal the most to me would be:
- Drip Factor: unique character designs and visuals. distinctive personality and style (can't get into games I view as bland, generic, or visually/conceptually uninteresting, even if they're mechanically good)
- good game feel
- depth (complexity of mechanics, potential for player creativity, and interplay between game elements)

I love games that are master classes in holistic game design; where all the elements work hand in hand to engage the player with a focused, cohesive, and complete package that executes its vision without compromise.

Honorable mentions that used to be here but got moved out as I added new games: Mario Paint, Risk of Rain, It Takes Two, Mega Man Battle Network, Downwell



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