A History of Queer Interest Video Games

Note, inclusion of this list is NOT an endorsement of the quality of these games in any way, including their relationship to queerness. Bad representation and queerphobia are also of interest.

Please make any suggestions you have, this is always a work in progress. This list is intentionally broad: the goal is to log everything of potential interest to those invested in queerness and queer issues. So while incredibly direct examples like Dys4ia are included, so are things like Final Fantasy VII because the crossdressing sections would be worth looking at when studying queer and adjacent queer-coded representation in gaming.


just gonna mention morenatsu for here. literally concieved by 2channel anons as a gay furry dating simulator (with its name parodying another dating sim from the year 2000), and it comes with all the flaws and problems of an internet project first cooked up in the early-mid 2000s. also its apparently public domain too somehow

2 years ago

Adding that, thank you!

2 years ago

Caper in the Castro, Phantasmagoria 2, Gabriel Knight 2, and The Longest Journey

1 year ago

Pyre (you can be non-binary, and you can romance Sandra no matter what gender you are)

1 year ago

Jetstripper, Shell Shogun and Antroid from Alien Soldier are confirmed gay in supplemental material (pre-release magazine coverage and manual text)
Terranova stars women who cosplay as men and it also explores many LGBTQ+ themes, like gender dysphoria and not having romantic desires. It’s in the itch.io queer bundle, I just got it and I’m really excited to play it! (It reminds me of Secret Little Haven which is already on the list)
Oh, and the Kitty Powers games would fit too! Kitty Powers is a drag queen who helps the player run a matchmaking agency, and the player’s clients can also date people of the same sex
We are OFK and Pen Pal Princess !

1 year ago

In Cult Of The Lamb you can apparently marry both male and female followers, making the Lamb bisexual.

1 year ago

Literally the most important list on this site

1 year ago

Signalis (protagonist is a Lesbian)

11 months ago

Chicory: A Colorful Tale - A character comes out as bi.
Cozy Grove - One of the female spirits talks about her female partner.
Lake: You can date either a man or woman.
Frog Detective The Entire Mystery - Cute, gay meet cute.
Sakura MMO, Sakura MMO 2, Sakura MMO 3, Sakura MMO Extra - It's a F/F romance visual novel.
Sakura Succubus 2 (and beyond) have bisexual characters.
Unpacking - The main character is queer.
Frogsong - The MC is agender.

11 months ago


2 months ago

I've included the games mentioned in this video that were not only brought up for having queer creators:


6 days ago

yakuza 3, one of the characters pretends to be in a gay relationship with the main character at a love hotel and there is a trans woman in of the side quests
final fantasy 16 has a canonically gay couple
and in fallout 4 you can date your companions regardless of your and their gender

6 days ago


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