Games with notable/unforgettable intros

Exactly as the title suggests; games with intros that really capture the spirit of the game and that you just can't get out of your head. Very subjective list here, so suggestions welcome.

I've added comments for the games' intros via notes where I can. Feel free to provide context on why you think certain intros should be added to the list; I can only comment on what I know! Some introductory spoilers to be found there, so be warned.

"You bastards may take... ...exactly what I give you!"
The airplane crash and the bathysphere descent into Rapture.
The tutorial is literally a boss.
Just gives you a gun and lets you go. Nothing more to it.
Not even going to try and spoil this one : )
A shmup, hack and slash, and tons of death and explosions all within the first 20 minutes.
It's time for some science.
Wheatley as a contrast to the first game.
Sunshine Coastline hums in the background while you slash monsters on an abandoned island.
"There's only one problem... I'm dead."
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you!"
The introductory slapdown by Ridley and escaping the exploding space station.
"You can do this."
Hard to put this one into words.
Nathan Drake's in a real pickle this time.
A bit of an outlier to this list, but that sensation of wonder and mystery as you load up your first world is quite something
Amusement parks sure are scaaaaary
"In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill."
Parties sure can get reaaaaal wild huh
The way the camera pans upon this forsaken, vast land really sets the mood
Taking your first steps from the opening cave to a vast yet vibrant world.
Summarizes the backstory of the game with minimal execution tests in 10 min.
“You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?”
Goes from the happy, cheerful Star Festival to despair across the emptiness of space, to this strange serenity when meeting Rosalina.
The slice of life intro between Ori and Naru brought a tear to my eye
Something just super nostalgic about the camera pan around Peach's Castle and taking your first steps and jumps in the courtyard.
Don't even know how to describe this fever dream lmao
The classic high stakes cinematic intro.
On the list specifically because it has 12 different intros all depending on your race and background

"I often think about that old metaphor, the one that says we are all islands on a wide sea. Especially these days, now that things are more difficult than before and the world appears to be harsher than we once imagined it to be. We are all like islands, the philosopher said. Perhaps it's true. Yet I cannot help but remember an older saying, scratched on a cave wall somewhere by a long-forgotten prophet: in the end, the sea will claim everything."
The entirety of Liberty Island is one hell of an intro to the game.
The start of playable cutscenes with build-up in the intros; props given for its influence
The short but notable clashing swords setting up the revenge plot.
The bombing mission.
A long but one hell of a wake up for an introduction
Metal Gear Solid but it's with cartoon box dialogue and a crazy boss fight?
15 min in and you've already rescued Zelda, but there's still so much more to be seen. Very influential for its time in showing off the SNES and many elements that became key of the Zelda games.
"...Where'd everybody go? Bingo?"
The tinkering music box tunes with the crayon art style embed this as easily one of my favorite intros.
Holy shit
Classic happy go lucky Kirby charm with bright tunes and cartoony aesthetics. Ah the good ol days
Highlights all the various eras explored while building up that sinking feeling of doom. Nostalgic, yet ominous.
Liberi Fatali
As submitted by radicalraisin:
Crash landing into a deep but gorgeous sea, you struggle to take your first breath outside of the pod, frantically grasping for resources in this beautiful yet treacherous world
In-universe channels that can be cycled through just like a real TV
Very distinctive text + alarm based intro going over features and recent history
"This was supposed to test if you were a hero... which you're not"
Lighting the whole opera on fire was one hell of a way to start this classic. Primal Eyes slaps too.
["which the Haruspex ends with a semicolon"](which the Haruspex ends with a semicolon)


2 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 1

2 years ago

I suppose nier automata's intro is "unforgettable" in that I had to do it 3 fucking times because it's a garbage fire and you can randomly get one shot killed and have to redo the entire 30+ minute intro sequence.

2 years ago

kingdom hearts 1 shouldn't be here

2 years ago

KH was so bad I gave myself a concussion to forget the game existed (which includes the intro) and should not be included on a list that will certainly find its way into the videogame hall of fame

2 years ago

Damn now that's some spicy discourse over KH, out of the better interest of the community I will choose to leave it off for now
The World Ends With You
Also didn't expect people to get that up in arms over KH1.

Kingdom Hearts II should be here at least, tho

2 years ago

Kirby super star/Kirby super star ultras intro still rattles in the back of my brain to this very day lmao

2 years ago

Final Fantasy VI, Undertale, Chrono Trigger

2 years ago

I have to shill Soul Blade/Soul Edge (name depends on region). I used to restart my PS1 over and over as a kid just to watch the intro again.

2 years ago

oh right, "Liberi Fatali" from FFVIII as well

2 years ago

All of the suggestions have been added so far!

2 years ago

The King of Fighters 98

2 years ago

Not exactly "unforgettable" but the intro for Puggsy on the Genesis is surprisingly badass

2 years ago

"the puggsy intro is badass" my brother in christ the psygnosis logo is the turnoff to end all turnoffs

2 years ago

the fastest i knew a game was gonna be right up my alley was the opening two minutes of the 25th ward

2 years ago

List has been updated, thank you all for the suggestions!

2 years ago

Mass Effect 2’s intro is really good too

2 years ago

the intro to the original Fallout is pretty great, with a slow zoom out from a TV show displaying the pre-war propaganda of this strange alternate history (a caption reading "our boys keep the peace in newly annexed canada!" as guys in power armor execute an unarmed prisoner and then jovially wave to the camera) onto the skeletal ruins of a bombed-out city. it's simply and heavy-handed but damn if isn't effective, and probably has more to say about american exceptionalism than the rest of Fallout 1 put together.

also Shadow the Hedgehog because damn just fuckin watch it it rips so hard

2 years ago

Love Minecraft being here. What an interesting and accurate view.

2 years ago

KH1 should absolutely be here. Not just the Simple and Clean opening, the tutorial area as well, it's all so ominous and dreamlike. Perfectly sets the tone for the whole series.
I also think a lot about MGS4's in-universe commercials that you can cycle through channels like a real TV, followed by Snake's narration of how war has changed, and how the game shows it to us firsthand for the first time in the series.

2 years ago

If Ninja Gaiden 1 is going to be on here, Ninja Gaiden 2 should definitely make the cut. It's just cool.

2 years ago

I'm surprised that no one's mentioned Mega Man X yet

2 years ago

havent played this one yet but i promise it goes hard

2 years ago

List has been updated some more!

2 years ago

kingdom hearts

2 years ago

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

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