Backloggd "Top 100"

One possible understanding of Backloggd's "Top 100" games when taking both average rating and number of votes into account.
LAST UPDATED: 7 Feb 2024

Ultimately assembling this list was a very subjective exercise for me, so I've written out the basics of how I created it below - if you take issue with my methodology or are confused about the absence of a specific game, feel free to let me know!


To compile this list, I took the Bayesian average of the ratings of each game (m = 3.5, C = 330). 3.5 is a rough guess of what I suspect the average rating on Backloggd to be (based in part on data I’m familiar with from similar sites), and I chose 330 for the confidence number based on, essentially, my own intuitive preferences of what combinations of average ratings and number of votes seem to indicate stronger positive consensus - this is the place where I am most open to alternative suggestions!. (In an earlier draft of this list, which calculated based on total plays rather than total ratings, this number was 500, and about 2/3rds of users who list games as played actually rate them, so I promise this 330 number didn’t come completely out of nowhere.)

I chose not to include DLCs, Expansions, or Ports on this list at all, if only because it was too complicated and subjective a process to decide whether these counted as distinct games or not, especially when I wasn’t already familiar with them. For other non-Main Game types, I chose only to include one version of multiple games which I considered "the same game", and almost always the version which had been rated by more people. Most of these decisions are probably intuitive and non-controversial, but here are a few of the ones I imagine probably aren't:

- After going back and forth for a bit about whether to include the Resident Evil 4 remake, I ultimately decided not to. For the curious, if it was included on this list, it would be in 7th place, between Bloodborne and Red Dead Redemption 2.
- I included the solo release of The Great Ace Attorney 2 rather than the bundle containing both GAA games.
- I did not include Pokemon White Version 2 due to having already included Pokemon Black Version 2. (I'm not super familiar with the differences between different games in the same generation of Pokemon - feel free to let me know if this is a weird decision.)

Again, if there's something you feel - for whatever reason - should mathematically be on this list but isn't included (including DLCs / expansions), feel free to let me know and I'll consider changing what I include here!




















4 months ago

Where would FFXIV Endwalker be?

4 months ago

Currently: 17th place, between MGS2 and Majora's Mask :)

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